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  • Pah poly cyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
  • Swiss plugs and pah ? a problem for manufacturers
    瑞士插头和pah ?制造厂商的一个问题?
  • Pah . . . he send people to slaughter our villagers
    表示轻蔑. . .他派遣人们残杀我们的村民。
  • Pah soil analysis . determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
  • Pah soil analysis - determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
  • Pah poly - aromatic hydrocarbon
  • Mixing the races , harmony , pah ,
  • Pah . man , you the one who ' s wrong
  • Decontamination works for heavy metals and pah are carried out on site
  • And may , in her heart , she s still just a girl from " ching - pah - tu - neigh , " china
    而美呢,在她心底里,她还是中国“清帕土内” ching - pah - tu - neigh ,不知道是什么地方来的小姑娘。
  • It's difficult to see pah in a sentence. 用pah造句挺难的
  • And may , in her heart , she ` s still just a girl from " ching - pah - tu - neigh , " china
    而美呢,在她心底里,她还是中国“清帕土内” ( ching - pah - tu - neigh ,不知道是什么地方)来的小姑娘。
  • Pah water quality - determination of 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water by hplc with fluorescence detection after liquid - liquid extraction
  • The zls ( central authority of the federal states for safety ) has decided that pah testing shall , for the time being , be voluntary and not part of the gs test procedure
  • Allied to the pah rak nam projects has been the establishment of royally - initiated villages , bann lek nai pah yai , which translates as little house in the big forest
  • For the project " central reclamation phase iii " , there are carcinogenic substances ( eg . some heavy metals and organic polyaromatic hydrocarbons ( pah ) ) identified in the dredged materials
    关于“中区填海第三期” ,我们在挖出的物料中发现一些致癌物质(例如一些重金属及多环芳香族碳氢化合物) 。
  • Symptoms of pah , which has no known cause , include shortness of breath following exercise , excessive fatigue , weakness , dizziness and fainting . the symptoms tend to grow worse over time
  • The aim of this study is to examine pah " distribution in tt ' ater and sediment . anai } ' ze their sources , and try to develop a set of biomarkers to indicate pah " pollution level in the follox " ing studv areas
  • However , we still recommend that your products ' pah levels be tested to avoid potential health risks and to ensure that you have no difficulty in selling your products through reputable retailers
  • For the project " reclamation works in north tsing yi " , some of the contaminants found within the site are classified as carcinogenic , eg . some heavy metals , pah and polychlorinated biphenyl ( pcb )
    至于“北青衣区填海工程” ,在施工地点发现的污染物中有一些可被归类为致癌物质,例如一些重金属,多环芳香族碳氢化合物及多氯联苯。
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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