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  • Two cured cases of pei xueyi on treatment of pubescent amenia
  • A little pre - pubescent theo at six who you can play games with
  • Description : subshrubs , up to 1 m high ; stem and branches densely pubescent
  • Ah , leave me alone in my pubescent park , in my mossy garden
  • Spondylitis ankylopoietica 35 cases treated by pubescent angelica and loranthus decoction
  • Fruit a syncarp , ca . 1 . 5 cm in diam . , orange , papillate and brown pubescent
    聚合果球形,直径约1 . 5厘米,橙黄色,外被褐色短柔毛,表面有乳头状突起。
  • Corolla blue - purple , ca . 1 . 2 cm long , white pubescent , 2 - lipped , upper lip 2 - lobed , lower lip 3 - lobed ; lobes subequal
    花冠蓝紫色,长1 . 2厘米,被白色短柔毛,二唇形,上唇2裂,下唇3裂,裂片近相等。
  • Doing so the wrong way , warns the american physical therapy association , can lead to back pain and even scoliosis , especially for pubescent girls , who are at greater risk for curvature of the spine
  • The guardians of the ancient japanese sport of sumo yesterday rebuffed attempts to allow shy pubescent boys to wear pants instead of the traditional loin cloths
  • Characteristics : perennial pubescent herb ; leaves dimorphic , the radical with 3 - lobes , coarsely serrate at margin ; cymes terminal ; flowers yellow , to 2 cm diam . , sepals 5 , petals 5 or more ; fruit consisting of many aggregated achenes
  • It's difficult to see pubescent in a sentence. 用pubescent造句挺难的
  • Calyx tube constricted at apex ; petals 5 , white , with pellucid dots , pubescent ; fertile stamens 5 ; filaments longer than petals , anthers 1 . 5 - 2 . 5 mm long , pubescent ; staminodes 15 , 10 of them gland - like , ovoid , inserted on the base of filaments , rest 5 globose ; style villous ; stigma dilated into an undulate crest
    花萼管顶端稍缢缩;花瓣5 ,白色,有透明腺点,被短柔毛;发育雄蕊5枚,花丝长于花瓣,花约1 . 5 - 2 . 5毫米,被短柔毛;退化雄蕊15枚,其中10枚腺体状,卵球形,著生于发育雄蕊花丝基部,另5枚球形;花柱被柔毛,柱头鸡冠状。
如何用pubescent造句,用pubescent造句pubescent in a sentence, 用pubescent造句和pubescent的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。