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  • Nathaniel's widowed mother raised him in puritanically correct seclusion.
  • Rockers followed paths that more solemn electronic composers puritanically disdained.
  • By the way, Wesley was raised pretty Puritanically.
  • Tully was " a person of severe morals, puritanically inclined and a struict Calvinist.
  • This is the same Clinton who puritanically drove, by his count, three million women off welfare.
  • Indeed, built in a puritanically modernistic style, Stellings Hus complements the classicism of the surrounding buildings.
  • Born near Paris, he was the scion of a prosperous textile family so puritanically frugal that he thought he was poor.
  • Tell that to the puritanically named Iris Prue ( Sally Field ), a fairly upscale, jewelry-wearing 45-year-old wife and mother.
  • To be sure, it takes its puritanically elegant cues from Joseph Havel's 9 1 / 2-foot bronze curtains, which unassumingly frame the front entrance.
  • Those plans were unveiled last week to underwhelming reaction, while homophobic letters and columns filled the right-wing papers, leaving some to suggest that a good chunk of Blair's much hyped Cool Britannia remains puritanically Victorian.
  • It's difficult to see puritanically in a sentence. 用puritanically造句挺难的
  • Radio Hanoi reportedly commented on troops " dressed in rags, puritanically fed, and mostly disease ridden . " The parlous state of Vietnamese forces in Cambodia also was the subject of a report by the director of an Hanoi military medical institute.
  • She is abetted in this by John Conklin's spare set, with its puritanically clean lines; Constance Hoffman's 1890s costumes and lighting by Robert Wierzel that changes subtly to suit the text until the murder scene, when subtlety is exchanged for starkness.
  • Henri Cartier-Bresson was born in Chanteloup, not far from Paris, on Aug . 22, 1908, the oldest of five children in a wealthy family so puritanically frugal, he once said, that as a small boy he thought he was poor.
  • Not only the local Sunnis but also some of Bahrain's powerful allies _ including both its puritanically Sunni neighbor, Saudi Arabia, and the United States, whose Gulf fleet is discreetly based here _ feared the Islamist " infection " might spread into Bahrain.
  • Wharton could have come up with the slogan about men, women, fish and bicycles to describe her own marriage to Teddy Wharton, which probably contributed to the image of her as being " puritanically repressed, " according to R . W . B . Lewis in his recent biography.
  • Other than objections to " ass " ( and might I point out WP : Censor and that it's a usercat for those users who don't have an issue with the presence of " ass " ), maybe we could stop being so "'puritanically uptight "'on other people's behalf.
  • But Anthony ?Wood informs us :'Having been puritanically educated, he was translated, after some continuance in the said hall, to Exeter College, and there put under a tutor puritanically then esteem'd, and took one degree in arts as a member of that college, and was soon beneficed and became a man of the times .'
  • But Anthony ?Wood informs us :'Having been puritanically educated, he was translated, after some continuance in the said hall, to Exeter College, and there put under a tutor puritanically then esteem'd, and took one degree in arts as a member of that college, and was soon beneficed and became a man of the times .'
  • "First of all, we're not your average nuclear family; we're all a little eccentric, the children even more so than us, " said Boyd, who cited her sons'favorite movie stars as Carmen Miranda and Veronica Lake and who considers the family's aesthetics and social attitudes more liberal-European than puritanically American.
  • You can see the real thing, lovingly and comically depicted, in the novels of Nancy Mitford or, more recently, in " The Dower House, " by Annabel Davis-Goff, a novel about arguably the most puritanically class-and status-obsessed people who ever lived : the Anglo-Irish, who by the 1960s, when this book is set, are neither truly English nor truly Irish anymore.
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