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  • Quiroste resistance did not end with the capture of Charquin in the spring of 1793.
  • Clues suggest that the Quiroste anger resulted from mission penetration into traditional family control of Marriage.
  • On the night of December 14, 1793, Mission Santa Cruz was attacked and partially burned by members of the Quiroste tribe who inhabited areas near Indians to the Mission.
  • On January 6, 1793, Mission San Francisco servant Diego Olbera baptized a 22-year-old woman on the verge of death  at the Quiroste village in the Mountains ( SFR-B 1165 ).
  • An entry in the Mission San Francisco Libro de Difuntos on May 3, 1793 recorded the death of two children of runaway families in the mountain Quiroste Village of Chipletac ( SFR-D 541, 542 ).
  • The redwood forested country of Big Basin served as a refuge for Ohlone Indians early during the Spanish occupation of the area :  The first active resistance to Spanish power in the Bay Area was led by Charquin, a leader of the Quiroste in the area of Point Ano Nuevo, down the coast from San Francisco.
  • It's difficult to see quiroste in a sentence. 用quiroste造句挺难的
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