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  • Constant used by the sql server reconciler to communicate with the distributor
    Sql server reconciler与distributor通信时所使用的
  • A profile contains a set of parameters that control the behavior of the sql server reconciler
    配置文件包含控制sql server reconciler行为的一组参数。
  • This event occurs when the reconciler is started , or when your code performs a synchronization check
  • Specify this property to indicate how the sql server reconciler communicates with the distributor
    指定此属性以指示sql server reconciler如何与distributor通信。
  • Specifies the network address used when the sql server reconciler is connecting to the distributor
    指定sql server reconciler连接到distributor时使用的网络地址。
  • Specifies the network protocol used when the sql server reconciler communicates with the distributor
    指定sql server reconciler与distributor通信时使用的网络协议。
  • Each node in the topology handles the xml data stream by using the merge replication reconciler replrec . dll
    拓扑中的每个节点都使用合并复制协调器( replrec . dll )处理xml数据流。
  • A user - defined delegate that consumes the ongoing synchronization events reported during the reconciler work
  • The sql server replication listener and merge replication reconciler that are hosted on the computer that is running iis do the following
    运行iis的计算机中所承载的sql server复制侦听器和合并复制协调器将执行下列操作:
  • Property must be specified when the sql server reconciler connects to the distributor using a network protocol other than the default protocol specified in the client network utility
    如果sql server reconciler连接到distributor时使用的网络协议不是在client network utility中指定的默认协议,则必须指定
  • It's difficult to see reconciler in a sentence. 用reconciler造句挺难的
  • Status reports are sent during four events : at the start of each user table being processed for upload , at the start of each user table being processed for download , when the reconciler is started , and whenever the reconciler " percent complete " value is updated
如何用reconciler造句,用reconciler造句reconciler in a sentence, 用reconciler造句和reconciler的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。