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  • His being higher in learning and birth than the ruck soldiers is anything but a proof of his worth .
  • He struggled among the ruck of writers so as to hold a place in the immature literary circles of america .
  • About his dress and his neat figure was that studied ease which lifts men from the ruck of common bridegrooms .
  • Mrs breen screams gaily . o , you ruck
  • He was eager to get out of the ( common ) ruck and distinguish himself in some way
  • And yet his work stands out from the ruck of the contemporary versifiers as a balas ruby among carrots
  • The swi cities of bern , geneva and zurich will also host matches along with austria ‘ s salzburg , i ruck and klagenfurt
  • His gaze brooded on his broadtoed boots , a buck s castoffs nebeneinander : he counted the creases of rucked leather wherein another s foot had nested warm
    他的视线落在宽头长统靴上,一个花花公子183丢弃的旧物,并列着184 。
  • Can t stop , robinson , i am hastening to purchase the only reliable inkeraser kansell , sold by hely s ltd , 85 dame street . well out of that ruck i am
  • Braking test when laden : the braking track shall not be longer than 2 . 5 meters after a cute braking when the ruck is traveling in full speed with 1 . 5 m / t test load on the forks
    荷重时刹车检定:牙叉荷重1 . 5吨砝码时,以全速(最高速)行驶,在紧急刹车时,其刹车痕迹不得超过2 . 5公尺。
  • It's difficult to see ruck in a sentence. 用ruck造句挺难的
  • After his latest nightclub ruck , inter are sounding out interested clubs about the brazilian and have contacted real madrid , barcelona and fiorentina so far
  • I have the happiness of being your husband he got up and kissed veras hand , but on the way turned back the corner of the rug , which was rucked - up . and how did i obtain all this ? chiefly by knowing how to select my acquaintances
  • He was impelled to suggest " locksley hall , " and would have done so , had not his vision gripped him again and left him staring at her , the female of his kind , who , out of the primordial ferment , creeping and crawling up the vast ladder of life for a thousand thousand centuries , had emerged on the topmost rung , having become one ruth , pure , and fair , and divine , and with power to make him know love , and to aspire toward purity , and to desire to taste divinity - him , martin eden , who , too , had come up in some amazing fashion from out of the ruck and the mire and the countless mistakes and abortions of unending creation
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