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  • Dawson and l are hooking up over at salome ' s later
  • I ' m home , little salome
  • Oscar wilde ' s play “ salome ” ( 1891 ) was set to music word for word by richard strauss ( 1905 )
    奥斯卡?王尔德的剧本《莎乐美》 ( 1891 )被理查?斯特劳斯逐字逐句地谱成歌剧( 1905 ) 。
  • Once romina recovered she was reunited with her companions bongo and salome - and there may be romance in the air
  • Once romina recovered she was reunited with her companions bongo and salome - - and there may be romance in the air
    当罗米纳苏醒过来的时候,她平日的伙伴- -大猩猩邦戈和萨洛米就在她的身边。那真是个浪漫的场景啊!
  • Philemon and basilides are but two of the spirit guides that were in contact with jung . the list of other guides also included one salome
  • When the sabbath was over , mary of magdala , mary the mother of james , and salome bought spices so that they might go and anoint the body
  • New testament ) a preacher and hermit and forerunner of jesus ( whom he baptized ) ; was beheaded by herod at the request of salome
    ( 《新约全书》 )基督教的传教士、隐士和先驱(他负责给人施洗礼) ;在萨洛米的要求下被希律王砍头。
  • When the sabbath was over , mary magdalene , mary the mother of james , and salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint jesus ' body
  • Some women were watching from a distance . among them were mary magdalene , mary the mother of james the younger and of joses , and salome
  • It's difficult to see salome in a sentence. 用salome造句挺难的
  • When the sabbath was over , mary magdalene , and mary the mother of james , and salome , bought spices , so that they might come and anoint him
    可16 : 1过了安息日、抹大拉的马利亚、和雅各的母亲马利亚、并撒罗米、买了香膏、要去膏耶稣的身体。
  • And when the sabbath was past , mary magdalene and mary , the mother of james , and salome , got spices , so that they might come and put them on him
  • And when the sabbath was past , mary the magdalene , and mary the mother of james , and salome bought spices so that they might come and anoint him
  • [ bbe ] and when the sabbath was past , mary magdalene and mary , the mother of james , and salome , got spices , so that they might come and put them on him
  • And when the sabbath was past , mary magdalene , and mary the mother of james , and salome , had bought sweet spices , that they might come and anoint him
  • Education , after all , is not lecturers dancing away like salome to deliver knowledge on a platter while students wait passively like herod to receive
  • There were also some women looking on from a distance , among whom were mary magdalene , and mary the mother of james the less and joses , and salome
    可15 : 41就是耶稣在加利利的时候、跟随他、服事他的那些人、还有同耶稣上耶路撒冷的好些妇女在那里观看。
  • Mk . 16 : 1 and when the sabbath was past , mary the magdalene , and mary the mother of james , and salome bought spices so that they might come and anoint him
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