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  • A sanguinary encounter seemed daily imminent between the two parties in the street of baltimore .
  • Jadeite with sanguinary couflict
  • Well , picture to yourself a future more gloomy still - certainly frightful , perhaps sanguinary .
    嗯,可是您不得不为将来画一幅更可怕的画面,或许会更惨! ”
  • For was it not your fatal and sanguinary intention to destroy that son of whom m . de morcerf was so proud
    你本来发誓,要毁灭马尔塞夫先生非常引以自傲的那个儿子,但您没有那么做。 ”
  • A despised enemy has often maintained a sanguinary contest , and renowned states and kings have been conquered by a very slight effort
  • Since finishing in this sanguinary conflict , there is not the description which has been regarded this conflict as a war forgotten in order to count
  • Since finishing in this sanguinary conflict , there is not the description which has been regarded this conflict as a war forgotten in order to count
  • " the public is informed that on wednesday , february 23d , being the first day of the carnival , executions will take place in the piazza del popolo , by order of the tribunal of the rota , of two persons , named andrea rondola , and peppino , otherwise called rocca priori ; the former found guilty of the murder of a venerable and exemplary priest , named don cesare torlini , canon of the church of st . john lateran ; and the latter convicted of being an accomplice of the atrocious and sanguinary bandit , luigi vampa , and his band
    于是,他把那张告示从墙上撕了下来,交给了弗兰兹,弗兰兹读道: “公告,奉宗教审判厅令,二月二十二日星期三,即狂欢节之第一日,死囚二名将于波波罗广场被处以极刑。一名为安德烈伦陀拉,一名为庇皮诺,即罗卡庇奥立前者犯谋害罪,谋杀了德高望众的圣拉德兰教堂教士西塞德列尼先生后者则系恶名昭彰之大盗罗吉万帕之党羽。
  • It's difficult to see sanguinary in a sentence. 用sanguinary造句挺难的
如何用sanguinary造句,用sanguinary造句sanguinary in a sentence, 用sanguinary造句和sanguinary的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。