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  • However , more spikelets per plant were developed as the temperature decreases
  • Effects of spikelet and grain positions on grain number , weight and protein content of wheat spike
  • In the grasses bracts are borne in pairs below the spikelets and are called glumes
  • The vascular bundle has a similar spikelet number load and sink load in the hphr and shanyou 63
  • Temperature within extremely low and high levels , affected spikelet formation , ripening , and final grain yield
  • Four components contribute to rice grain yield including the panicles per unit area , the number of spikelets , the percentage of , and the weight of ripe grains
  • Each individual floret of the spikelet is also subtended by two bracts , the lower being called the lemma and the upper the palea
  • The absorbing amount of vigorous spikelets was 10 times higher than that of the weak spikelets , especially in hybrid rice combinations
  • The order of the seed yield components to its yield is weight per seed > seed numbers per spikelet > florets per spikelet > spikelets per shoot > shoots
    6个模型中, 5个种子产量因子每提高1个单位对其种子产量的提高大小排序为单粒种子重每小穗种子粒数每小穗小花数每生殖枝小穗数生殖枝数。
  • The positive correlation between 1000 - grain weight and grain numbers per spike , plant height and protein content , heading date and spikelet number per spike , have disadvantageous effect on the genetic improvement of wheat - rye recombinant lines
  • It's difficult to see spikelet in a sentence. 用spikelet造句挺难的
  • The positive significant correlations were found between heading date and spikelet number per spike , plant height and protein content , 1000 - grain weight and grain numbers per spike , grain number per spike and grain weight per spike , respectively
  • Many spikelets and good grain - filling were the direct factors for the high yield of sscmts in hybrid rice , and those high - yielding factors relied on high quality seedlings , sturdy individuals , high quality population and vigorous later growth
  • The effects of sowing dates on phenotype value of grain weight per plant , seed setting rate and path coefficients of seed setting rate were more effective than those on partial correlation coefficients between grain weight per plant and panicles per plaht , total spikelets per panicle and seed setting rate
  • Combination of additive effects and interaction effects can account for over 50 % of genotypic variation in spikelet number per spike ( sns ) and spike number per 50cm row ( snr ) , and over 40 % in fertile spikelet number per spike ( fsns ) , 1000 grain weight ( kgw ) and ear length ( el ) , over 30 % in plant height ( ph ) , over 20 % in sterile spikelet number per spike ( ssns ) and less than 10 % in grain weight per 50cm row ( gwr ) and grain number per spike ( gns )
  • The results showed that : ( 1 ) a very significant increase in grain weight per plant ( gwpp ) of super high - yielding combinations mainly results from more panicles per plant ( ppp ) . ( 2 ) the order of contribution to gwpp was panicles per plant , filled grains per panicle ( fgpp ) , 1000 - grain weight ( kgw ) , spikelets per panicle ( spp ) , plumping degree ( pd ) filled grain rate ( fgr ) . ( 3 ) gwpp has positive correlation with ppp and fgpp at 0 . 01 significant level , with fgr at 0 . 05 significant level . ( 4 ) on the background of big panicle hybrid rice gwpp has positive partial correlation with ppp , kgw and pd at 0 . 01 significant level , which means any increase in these yield components can increase yield
    结果表明: ( 1 )不同产量水平大穗型组合产量的差异主要受单株穗数差异的影响; ( 2 )产量构成因素对产量的作用大小依次为:单株穗数每穗实粒数千粒重每穗总粒数充实度结实率; ( 3 )单株穗数和每穗实粒数与产量正相关达极显著水平,结实率与产量正相关达显著水平: ( 4 )单株穗数、千粒重和充实度与产量的偏相关为正,且达到极显著水平,说明在大穗的基础上,单株穗数的增加、千粒重和充实度的提高可以使产量显著增加。
  • ( 4 ) the results of qtl mapping indicated that the inheritance of yield traits was very complex , the explanation as follows : additive effects except for sterile spikelet number per spike ( ssns ) , qtls of additive effects were tested for all other traits , with 10 qtls for 1000 grain weight ( kgw ) . the large variance of the effect values and the contribution rate of qtls indicated that the effects are difference for different qtls
    14 。 ( 4 )通过对产量性状qtls作图,发现产量性状的遗传非常复杂,可以从4个方面说明:加性效应除不孕小穗数外,各性状均检测到了表现加性效应的qtls 。其中,在各环境联合分析下,检测到了10个千粒重qtls ,各qtls的加性效应值和对群体变异的贡献率也存在很大差异,说明不同的qtls不是等效的。
  • In normal greenhouse condition , coda - transgenic wheat lines ( to ) had the same plant morphorlogy and pollen i2 - ki staining rate as untransformed control plant . after treating with 300 mm of 5 - fc , however , changes in configurations of spikelet , floret and anther have been observed in the transgenic lines but not in the control , and 50 % gus - positive lines displayed outside - opened glume , abnormal stamen , smaller and thinner anther , shorter filament , and failure of selfing . in parts of 5 - fc - treated transgenic lines , the pollen staining rate by i2 - ki was much lower than that of untransformed control
    温室栽培的转基因小麦苗( t _ 0 )未喷5 - fc处理时植株外部形态和花粉碘-碘化钾染色的着色率与未转基因的对照没有差异;用300mm的5 - fc处理后,发现有50 gus阳性株系与对照有明显的区别,表现为小穗颖壳外张,花丝短缩,花药发育不良,较小、黄白色且花粉粒少,自花不授粉,无外来花粉授粉则不结实。
  • The study on the characteristics of development and seed setting of different spikelet and floret positions was important for the realization of big - spike - cultural - goal with more spikelets and grains . with both the winter type ( wv ) and spring type ( sv ) varieties sown at different dates , it was found that the greater seed setting capacity of spikelets resulted in more grain number of spike . the trend of differences in grain weight per spikelet between the different sowing dates and varieties was similar to that of grain number . the correlation between the average grain weight of middle spikelets and lower spikelets and the grain weight per spike was highly significant . the environmental changes resulted from different sowing dates mainly effected the middle spikelets development , even though the differences between wv and sv were represented in every spikelet positions . the grain weight on the second floret position was most sensitive to the development status of wheat plant and environmental changes , and could represent the yielid potential of the whole spikelet . the results showed that the enhancement of seed setting of the middle spikelets ( from 5th to 15th ) and the grain development from the first to third floret positions was a key to realize big - spike and grain
    确定小麦不同小穗位和小花位发育与结实特性是实现大穗多粒的重要前提.本文通过对冬、春性小麦品种分期播种试验得出,较高的小穗结实力是增加穗粒数的重要因素.不同播期、品种之间,小穗粒重和粒数呈现相同的变化趋势.中部以及基部小穗粒重与穗粒重之间呈高度正相关.体现环境差异的播期效应以对中部小穗发育的影响为主,而冬、春性品种的基因型差异可反映在各个小穗位上.第2小花位的子粒发育状况反映整个小穗的生产能力.结果表明,促进中部优势小穗(第5 15小穗)结实和第1 3小花位子粒发育是提高小花结实率和穗粒重的关键
  • Indentificatiort is also the first step towards studies on protein co - and post - translational modification , and ultimately , function . in the present study , the total proteins of the photo - thermo sensitive genie male - sterile rice ( oryza sativa , peiai64s ) spikelet at meiosis stage were used as the material . by optimizing crucial factors and procedures such as sample treatment , electrophoresis parameters , and gel concentration , 2 - d maps with high quality and reproducibility were obtained
    用两种方法对经双向电泳分离的凝胶上的蛋白质点进行了初步鉴定,一是通过电印迹转移把蛋白质转到pvdf膜上,再用edman降解的方法测得部分相对分子质量在10000 - 30000da的蛋白质点的n -端序列,通过网上搜索其同源性对其进行鉴定,并确定该点在凝胶上的位置。
  • 57 protein spots out of about 1000 detectable spots on the 2 - d gels were indentified by the following two methods : l ) n ~ terminal edman degradation microsequencing after the protein spots were electro - transferred to pvdf membrane . 2 ) maldi - tof - ms peptide fingerprint analysis of the protein spots and protein database searching . the 2d protein maps of the rice spikelet during the sterile and fertile stages were compared
    二是通过原位酶解,抽提蛋白质片段进行maldi - tof质谱分析,利用肽质量指纹图数据在数据库中进行检索,在双向电泳凝胶上取了57个点进行分析,有34个蛋白质点在数据库得到归属鉴定。
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