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  • Appleby was a stickler for regulations .
  • I am no stickler for authority .
  • I ' m sorry . i have to be a stickler
  • I ' m a stickler for the rules
  • When riley later stopped breathing , zeigler performed cpr on her tiny body , stickler said
  • Make sure there are no mistakes in that advertisement . my boss is a stickler for detail
  • Katie , a stickler for personal hygiene , quickly found the practice of avoiding water too much to bear
  • Please respect your sources , your audience and yourself and don ' t fall into this trap ( i am a stickler for this )
  • " they are both boys - i assume , " was the hesitant reply of austrian football association president friedrich stickler
    奥地利足协主席friedrich stickler表示: “我猜,他们两个都是男孩。 ”
  • The fatal beating happened after zeigler stayed home from work to make sure his wife was following his discipline plan , stickler said
  • It's difficult to see stickler in a sentence. 用stickler造句挺难的
  • And the very fact that the hbr is giving so much space to a fusty stickler for form such as miss manners in itself says something
    值得一提的是, 《哈佛商业评论》留出这样一个空间,让礼仪小姐此等古板而坚持礼仪的人发表意见。
  • " ah , " said morcerf , " i see you are a stickler for forms , my dear sir , and you would remind me that the ceremonial rites should not be omitted
    “啊! ”马尔塞夫说, “看来您是一个很讲究形式的人,我亲爱的先生,您提醒我不应该免除古板的仪式。
  • Zeigler wanted his wife to spank riley with a belt when she failed to say things like " please " and " yes sir " or " no sir , " stickler said wednesday
    汤姆周三说,当莱丽不说类似“请”和“是的,先生” , “不,先生, ”时,哲格勒要他的妻子用皮鞭抽她。
  • Her mother , kimberly dawn trenor , and stepfather , royce clyde zeigler ii , were arrested saturday . trenor ' s attorney , tommy stickler jr . , also said wednesday that trenor is pregnant
  • Still , it s solid food , his good genius urged , i m a stickler for solid food , his one and only reason being not gormandising in the least but regular meals as the sine qua non for any kind of proper work , mental or manual
    “不过,这仍不失为固体食品, ”对他有好影响的这个人劝告说, “我是固体食品的信奉者。一点儿也不贪吃,独一无二的理由是:不论从事任何脑力还是体力的正常劳动,这都是不可缺少的条件120 。
  • The prince , who was in practice a firm stickler for distinctions of tank , and rarely admitted to his table even important provincial functionaries , had suddenly pitched on the architect mihail ivanovitch , blowing his nose in a check pocket - handkerchief in the corner , to illustrate the theory that all men are equal , and had more than once impressed upon his daughter that mihail ivanovitch was every whit as good as himself and her
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