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  • She earnestly supplicated that i would spare her one or two
  • " yes , " replied the lad in a low , supplicating tone
    “要的。 ”小家伙用低沉恳求的声音说道。
  • She supplicated for pardon
  • I would have no mercy , mr . rochester , if you supplicated for it with an eye like that
  • Villefort shrieked , clasped his hands , and looked at the doctor with a supplicating air
  • To whom they must first supplicate before beginning any worship or task . his rule is compassionate
  • So to benefit female tantric practitioners he asked me to write a praise to dakas to supplicate their blessings
  • In the dream medicine guru buddha told him to repeat the name of spotless eyes buddha to supplicate for blessing to his eye disease
  • Linton shivered , and glanced at her , half supplicating , half ashamed ; but his cousin s patience was not sufficient to endure this enigmatical behaviour
  • For the love of heaven , of justice , of generosity , of the honour of your noble name , i supplicate you , monsieur heretofore the marquis , to succour and release me
  • It's difficult to see supplicate in a sentence. 用supplicate造句挺难的
  • Yes , my opinion , and nothing but my opinion , added the old prince , to prince vassily in response to his supplicating expression , yes or no ! my wish ,
    是啊,我的意见也只是我的意见, ”尼古拉安德烈伊奇公爵把脸转向瓦西里公爵,补充说一句,藉以回答他那央求的表情, “嫁还是不嫁? ”
  • The best deal is of course an alpha who is also a provider , but those things kinda cancel each other out because an alpha stops being an alpha when he supplicates
  • The two ladies , pressing closely to one another , and drawing the bedclothes tightly around them , remained silent to this supplicating voice , repugnance and fear taking possession of their minds
  • S with a supplicating glance , " there is a beautiful arabian custom , which makes eternal friends of those who have together eaten bread and salt under the same roof .
    “伯爵, ”美塞苔丝用悲哀恳求的目光看了他一眼说, “阿拉伯有一种动人的风俗,凡是在一个屋顶底下一同吃过面包和盐的人,就成了永久的朋友。 ”
  • He supplicated strength for the weak - hearted ; guidance for wanderers from the fold : a return , even at the eleventh hour , for those whom the temptations of the world and the flesh were luring from the narrow path
  • He prayed and supplicated in terms so moving , that even the officer was touched , and , although firm in his duty , he kindly said , " my worthy friend , let me beg of you to calm your apprehensions
  • " we have supplicated heaven in vain to grant us this favor , but the whole affair has had a mysterious meaning that we cannot comprehend - we have been guided by an invisible hand , - a hand as powerful as that of an enchanter .
    “我们曾恳求上帝赐给我们这个机会,直到如今还是枉然,这件事的来去脉很神秘,我们始终无法弄明白,象是冥冥之中有一只魔术师般有力的手在操纵着似的。 ”
  • Late that night - perhaps it might be between eleven and twelve o clock - ere i retired to my dreary rest , i supplicated god , that , if it seemed good to him , i might soon be taken from this life , and admitted to that world to come , where there was still hope of rejoining jane
    那天深夜也许在十一二点之间我闷闷不乐地去就寝之前,祈求上帝,要是他觉得这么做妥当的话,可以立刻把我从现世收去,准许我踏进未来的世界,那儿仍有希望与简相聚。 ”
  • The change that had come over villefort during the examination , the destruction of the letter , the exacted promise , the almost supplicating tones of the magistrate , who seemed rather to implore mercy than to pronounce punishment , - all returned with a stunning force to his memory
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