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  • The jewish people are taught by talmud .
  • The talmud says : " wherever you look . .
  • So barbra streisand wants to study the talmud , right
  • The talmud says : " wherever you look
  • It is hebrew , from the talmud
  • Voyages in china by viator recovered with brown paper , red ink title . philosophy of the talmud sewn pamphlet
    中国纪行222 , “旅人”著用褐色纸包了书皮,书名是用红墨水写的。
  • After reading talmud , i am truly amazed by the jews way of life and their unbelievable capabilities
  • For example , the talmud states that jesus was a troublemaker , he used black magic , and that he was hung and not crucified
    例如, 《塔木德》上声称耶稣是一个捣乱者,他使用黑魔法,被吊起来,但没有受难。
  • There is some limited reference to " yeshu " in the talmud , a book of jewish law , and these references are considered to be in reference to jesus
    在犹太法典《塔木德》中偶尔地提到“伊苏” ,这些提及被认为是与耶稣有关。
  • Talmud nedarim 32b ; genesis rabbah 46 : 7 ; genesis rabbah 56 : 10 ; leviticus rabbah 25 : 6 ; numbers rabbah 4 : 8 . ) rabbi isaac the babylonian said that melchizedek was born circumcised
  • It's difficult to see talmud in a sentence. 用talmud造句挺难的
  • The parts of the talmud that make reference to yeshu , however , were largely removed from the published talmud , and today are available in a small addendum to the talmud
    然而, 《塔木德》上提到伊苏的地方也被大量地从大众塔木德中删除,今天也无可避免地成为了《塔木德》上的一个小附录。
  • Spanish - born jewish philosopher and physician . the greatest jewish scholar of the middle ages , he codified the talmud and in guide for the perplexed ( 1190 ) reconciled aristotelian philosophy with jewish theology
    迈蒙尼德,摩西1135 - 1204西班牙裔的犹太哲学家和医生。中世纪最伟大的犹太学者,他编纂了犹太法典并且在迷途指津中融合了亚里士多德的哲学和犹太宗教学。
  • Though historically there is a discernible break between jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient israel and of the diaspora ( the dispersion of jewish people after the conquest of israel ) , the spirit of the legal matter in later parts of the old testament is very close to that of the talmud , one of the primary codifications of jewish law in the diaspora
    尽管从历史角度看,犹太法律有一个明显的中断,在古代以色列君主国家与流散时期(犹太人四处流散,在以色列被征服后) ,但是,法律内容的精神在《旧约全书》后面部分中,非常类似于《犹太法典》 ,后者是流散时期犹太法律的主要法典。
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