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  • " i am drinking , " replied the tippler , with a lugubrious air
    “我喝酒。 ”他阴沉忧郁地回答道。
  • " forget that i am ashamed , " the tippler confessed , hanging his head
    “忘记我的惭愧。 ”酒鬼低下头忏悔。
  • " forget that i am ashamed , " the tippler confessed , hanging his head
    酒鬼垂下脑袋坦白道: “为了忘却我的羞愧。 ”
  • " forget that i am ashamed , " the tippler confessed , hanging his head
    “为了忘掉我的羞愧。 ”酒鬼忏悔着,垂下头来。
  • The tippler brought his speech to an end , and shut himself up in an impregnable silence
  • The little prince visits the tippler the next planet was inhabited by a tippler
  • " this man , " the little prince said to himself , " reasons a little like my poor tippler . . .
    小王子自言自语地说: “这个人想问题有点象那个酒鬼一样。 ”
  • But he is not so absurd as the king , the conceited man , the businessman , and the tippler
  • He said to the tippler , whom he found settled down in silence before a collection of empty bottles and also a collection of full bottles
  • His hands were trembling slightly with the first beginnings of alcoholism , but he looked a sterling old fellow for all that , and a long white beard lent that fiery tippler s face of his a truly venerable appearance
  • It's difficult to see tippler in a sentence. 用tippler造句挺难的
  • " that man , " said the little prince to himself , as he continued farther on his journey , " that man would be scorned by all the others : by the king , by the conceited man , by the tippler , by the businessman
    小王子在他继续往前旅行的途中,自言自语地说道: “这个人一定会被其他那些人,国王呀,爱虚荣的呀,酒鬼呀,实业家呀,所瞧不起。
  • The earth is not just an ordinary planet ! one can count , there 111 kings not forgetting , to be sure , the negro kings among them , 7000 geographers , 900 , 000 businessmen , 7 , 500 , 000 tipplers , 311 , 000 , 000 conceited men - that is to say , about 2 , 000 , 000 , 000 grown - ups
  • They went home together , tess holding one arm of her father , and mrs durbeyfield the other . he had , in truth , drunk very little - not a fourth of the quantity which a systematic tippler could carry to church on a sunday afternoon without a hitch in his eastings or genuflections ; but the weakness of sir john s constitution made mountains of his petty sins in this kind
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