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  • dna dependent dna polymerase    Examination of the " pol " genes that encode the DNA dependent DNA polymerase in various groups of viruses suggests a number of possible evolutionary relationships.
  • dna-dna hybridization    The 7 isolates were identified based on physiological and biochemical characterization , 16s rdna sequence , g + c mol % and dna - dna hybridization . isolate tl was identified as bacillus...
  • 非编码dna    “垃圾”DNA是一些让人吃惊的“垃圾”,反驳了非编码DNA的“自私”和“垃圾”理论。
  • 非我非非我    10年9月30日,非我非非我为CCTV拍摄“嫦娥二号”发射直播间网友互动视频。 记者试图联系“非我非非我”,但他的QQ一直没有上线,未能获得回复。 10年8月7日,8日,CCTV10《人与社会》再次重播“非我非非我”地铁物语DV作品集。 “非我非非我”是广大网友以及草根阶层对著名草根拍客线永京的称谓。 10年9月11日,非我非非我和百合网(国内著名交友网站)建立视频合作关系...
  • 非想非非想    (7)我非想非非想处死后断灭。 空处识处不用处非想非非想处。 如是一类,名为非想非非想处。 我三昧能断非想非非想处有。 此无想天系摄非想非非想天。 是故见于非想非非想为寂静。 论中不及四禅天非想非非想天者。 命终之后得生非想非非想处。 非想非非想天(凡夫尔时谓心都尽。 非想非非想乃就此天之禅定而称之。 是名非想非非想处天定。 非想非非想处决定证得。 八非想非非想处天定谓前识...
  • 非想非非想处    (7)我非想非非想处死后断灭。 空处识处不用处非想非非想处。 如是一类,名为非想非非想处。 我三昧能断非想非非想处有。 命终之后得生非想非非想处。 是名非想非非想处天定。 非想非非想处决定证得。 八非想非非想处天定谓前识处是有想。 非想非非想处八万大劫。 四、非想非非想处天。 名为非想非非想处定。 乃至超一切种无所有处,入非想非非想处。 非想非非想处解脱。 乃至非想非非想处...
  • 非想非非想处天    是名非想非非想处天定。 八非想非非想处天定谓前识处是有想。 四、非想非非想处天。 非想非非想处天。 可非想非非想处天真的是往上一步,就能成佛了? 非想非非想处天,寿命八万大劫(约36,128,000,000,000万年)。 (7)‘作是念?此我非想非非想处天,死后断灭,毕竟无有。 从非想非非想处天开始,就是我们娑婆宇宙产生和建立的过程。 【非有想非无想】非想非非想处天,三界...
  • 非想非非想处定    名为非想非非想处定。 (4)非想非非想处定?又名非有想非无想定。 非想非非想处定。 (四)非想非非想处定,又作非有想非无想定。 此如二禅至有顶(非想非非想处定),唯除无漏诸三摩地。 即空无边处定、识无边处定、无所有处定、非想非非想处定。 又非想非非想处定系依定之自相而立名,其下三定则依加行而立名。 印度还有一种外道认为,只有进入非想非非想处定才算是解脱,才算涅盘。 ,修禅定...
  • 非想非非想天    此无想天系摄非想非非想天。 论中不及四禅天非想非非想天者。 非想非非想天(凡夫尔时谓心都尽。 曰非想非非想天。 如是递增,至非想非非想天,则寿八万大劫。 一空无边天、二识无边天、三无所有天、四非想非非想天。 此三有世间,下至无间地狱,上至非想非非想天,决无死主不到之处。 总之三界诸天,就是最高一层叫做非想非非想天的天人,寿命八万大劫之长。 以彼计执于无所归之顽空,故来世感得...
  • 16s ribosomal dna    Based on molecular phylogenetic analyses of the cytochrome oxidase gene and 16S ribosomal DNA, " Nyctiphanes " is believed to have evolved during the Miocene. Some of the molecular methods...
  • a dna    The gene is a DNA blueprint for a protein called huntingtin. It would be nice to go right to a DNA test. "It's like a DNA print ." The partners are entering an emerging field known as DNA ...
  • a taste of dna    The jury got a taste of DNA results last week. The group's 10-minute debut album, " A Taste of DNA " was recorded for Kip Hanrahan's " American Clav?" label, and was later released on Roug...
  • a very dna reunion    His most recent short play, " A Very DNA Reunion " was written for the evening of plays " The DNA Trail ", which was conceived by Jamil Khoury and premiered at the historic Chicago Temple ...
  • activator dna sequences    Activators generally bind poorly to activator DNA sequences unless an inducer is present.
  • amplification of dna    MALBAC offers an unbiased approach to the amplification of DNA from a single cell. TRFLP works by PCR amplification of DNA using primer pairs that have been labeled with fluorescent tags. ...
  • amplitaq dna polymerase    Pcr products were purified with qiaquick pcr purification kit , followed by sequencing using the big dye terminator cycle sequencing ready reaction kits used with amplitaq dna polymerase f...
  • ancient dna    Blood typing and ancient DNA sampling on Egyptian mummies is scant. Attention was now turned to studies based on ancient DNA from fossil canids. A Paleogenomic Perspective on Evolution and...
  • ancient dna analysis    At the molecular level, ancient DNA analysis can be used both to identify the species and to provide dietary information. Ancient DNA analysis of Oase 2 found that 6 %-9 % of the specimen'...
  • anonymous dna    The objectives of Wellcome and the Medical Research Council could be achieved more quickly and cheaply by laying down a bank of anonymous DNA samples from a few thousand cases of each dise...
  • anti-dna    Presently , the scientist have made out some successes by using biotechnology and molecuology , for example , planting out regeneration shoots , culture suspended cell in ferment tank , sc...
  • antisense dna    But antisense DNA has not yet proved successful in treating any condition. Additionally, these nanoparticles can be made to release antisense DNA oligonucleotides when under photo-activati...
  • apoptotic dna fragmentation    The enzyme responsible for apoptotic DNA fragmentation is the Caspase-activated DNase. Apoptotic DNA fragmentation is a natural fragmentation that cells perform in apoptosis ( programmed c...
  • applied dna sciences    At the time, I was executive vice president at Applied DNA Sciences in Los Angeles. Because Applied DNA Sciences helps other corporations detect and prevent counterfeiting, I worried that ...
  • archaeal dna    The DNA structure of " Thermoplasma volcanium " has greater flexibility than other archaeal DNA due to an increased presence of purine / pyrimidine conformations, as compared to hypertherm...
  • armed forces dna identification laboratory    The Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory analyzes about 120 sets of bones a year through a program funded by the military, said Director Mitchell Holland. DNA test results released b...

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