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  • 67式手枪    77式仿自二次大战前德国的利格诺色单手手枪(Lignose Einhand Pistol),直接反冲式设计,弹匣容量7发,使用跟67式手枪相同的7.62 mm 64式手枪弹。
  • 67式7.62mm微声手枪    该枪简化改进后为67式7.62mm微声手枪。 和67式7.62mm微声手枪时,用以杀伤50m内有生目标,主要供部队指挥员和公安人员自卫用。 卿尚升老师曾参与设计了64式7.62mm自卫手枪、67式7.62mm微声手枪、56?2式7.62mm冲锋枪、东风一型5.6mm短弹速射运动手枪、东风二型5.6mm慢射运动手枪、东风四型7.62mm转轮运动手枪、东风五型5.6mm标准运动...
  • 67式7.62毫米微声手枪    早在上世纪60年代,我国就自行研制出了第一种微声手枪??67式7.62毫米微声手枪,1967年完成设计定型,1969年生产定型。 67式7.62毫米微声手枪供弹方式:9发弹匣供弹;口径:7.62毫米(mm);全枪质量:1.05千克(kg)*含弹匣;全长:226毫米(mm);有效射程:30米(m);瞄准基线:长196毫米(mm);其它参数:宽30毫米、高126毫米主要简介该枪...
  • 67式微声手枪    可以说,67式微声手枪是~支经历了战争考验的优秀的微声手枪。 作为新一代微声手枪,该枪的“三微”性能超过了67式微声手枪。 与67式微声手枪采用整体式消声器不同,该枪由基础枪和可拆卸的圆筒型消声器组成。 因此,本世纪初,一种超越67式微声手枪的新型微声手枪终于出现了,这就是本文的主角??QSW06式5.8毫米微声手枪,微声手枪家族的又一“新兵”。 由于消声器是可拆卸的,在不...
  • 67式    该枪简化改进后为67式7.62mm微声手枪。 67式重机枪定型后即部分装备部队试用。 67式木柄手榴弹是60年代中期研制的,1967年完成设计定型。 5506厂为了生产67式轻重两用机枪必须首先解决这个问题。 67式82毫米迫击炮1968年设计定型,1971年投入批量生产并装备部队。 可以说,67式微声手枪是~支经历了战争考验的优秀的微声手枪。 作为新一代微声手枪,该枪的“...
  • 67式木柄手榴弹    67式木柄手榴弹是60年代中期研制的,1967年完成设计定型。 67式木柄手榴弹的主要改进是:改进了发火机构的结构和生产工艺;改进了全弹的密封包装。 77-1式木柄手榴弹的主要特点是体积小、质量轻,与67式木柄手榴弹比较,质量减小了40%,体积减小了18%。 67式木柄手榴弹采用铸铁弹体,全弹质量600g,弹径48mm,全弹长204mm,主装药为38gTNT,可产生70~1...
  • 67式82毫米迫击炮    67式82毫米迫击炮1968年设计定型,1971年投入批量生产并装备部队。 PP87式82毫米迫击炮1987年设计定型,1988年投入批量生产,用于取代67式82毫米迫击炮。 一九七一年装备部队的67式82毫米迫击炮,炮重比仿苏的82毫米追击炮减轻34%。 中国制造,北方工业公司1984年设计定型的新型82毫米中型迫击炮,已批量投产,用以取代67式82毫米迫击炮。 口部为内...
  • 67式轻重两用机枪    5506厂为了生产67式轻重两用机枪必须首先解决这个问题。 由于67式轻重两用机枪主要作重机枪使用,因此将67-1式机枪称作重机枪。 57式重机枪于1957年生产定型,并大量装备部队,后被67式轻重两用机枪取代。 67式轻重两用机枪以重机枪为主,兼作轻机枪使用,也可对空射击,配有三脚架和固定两脚架。 1973年,沈阳军区领导向兵器生产部门提出要尽快解决67式轻重两用机枪枪管...
  • 67-1式重机枪    1979年12月,研制人员对67-1式重机枪进行改进设计,于1982年1月设计定型,称67-2式重机枪。
  • 67-2式重机枪    1979年12月,研制人员对67-1式重机枪进行改进设计,于1982年1月设计定型,称67-2式重机枪。 QJY88式通用机枪射击精度高,后坐力小,可控性好,重量轻、机动性好,如在携弹量相同的情况下,包括三脚架在内重量为11.8kg,比67-2式重机枪轻了13kg,比PKMS轻了10kg。 主编《重机枪射击教材》一本,在全军发生,并获专著一等奖;撰稿并编导3部教学录相片,在...
  • 67 asia    It was named after the English astronomer Norman Pogson ( 1829 1891 ), inventor of the modern astronomical magnitude scale and discoverer of eight minor planets, including 42 Isis and 67 ...
  • 67 bc    In took him only three months during 67 BC to clear the seas. In 67 BC he was consul together with Gaius Calpurnius Piso. On his return in 67 BC, he married Pompeia, a granddaughter of Sul...
  • 67 bce    In 67 BCE a quarrel broke out between Aristobulus II and Hyrcanus II, sons and successors of Alexander Jann鎢s. In 67 BCE, a " lex Cornelia de edictis " passed, which required the Praetor t...
  • 67 borders    Israel cannot return to the'67 borders. And will we have secure boundaries on the'67 borders ? " he asked. "I think that cease-fire means that the Israelis should withdraw to the'67 border...
  • 67 corps    Other sources state that 60 out of 67 corps commanders, 221 out of 397 brigade commanders, 79 percent of regimental commanders, 88 percent of regimental chiefs of staff, and 87 percent of ...
  • 67 days    That nine-game hitting streak began 67 days ago. Kruger finally will come down on Friday after 67 days. Season three continues the story 67 days after the crash. These next 67 days will te...
  • 67 impala    Growing up, Kripke connected to television shows that had signature cars, such as " The Dukes of Hazzard " and "'67 Impala, since " you can put a body in the trunk " and because " you want...
  • 67 mustang    And both eventually traded in Old Paint for'67 Mustangs. It's times like this I really long for my'67 Mustang. Josh Stixrood, 23, couldn't resist a chance to test the'67 Mustang he had reb...
  • 67 oph    Component D is a magnitude 12.5 star 8.37 " from component C . Component E is a magnitude 10.9 star 46.53 " from 67 Oph A. Van Albada pointed out several observational candidates ( ? Ori, ...
  • 67 riots    Two DAB lawmakers stepped into the row : Chan Kam-lam said : " During the'67 riots, it was not just Lam Bun who died.
  • 67 sos    Twelve drowning deaths were registered over the last 10 days of May and another 67 so far in June, the Emergency Situations Ministry said. Pentagon officials also know the location of at l...
  • 67 special    There have been approximately 67 specials, and are especially common in the current day. He has also directed and co-produced music videos for the bands Tiltmeter, Nokturnal and 67 Special...
  • 67 spencer street    The elaborate headquarters at 67 Spencer Street were opened in 1893. "' 67 Spencer Street "'is the former head offices of the Victorian Railways, located on Renaissance Revival style build...
  • 67 squadron    The Kingdom of Prussia was predominant, with a fighter force eventually comprising 67 squadrons. They shared the air defense of Rangoon with two British squadrons : 67 Squadron with Brewst...
  • 67 street    Phase I is currently under construction connects with Highway 11 at 30 Avenue / 67 Street intersection, while a proposed Phase II would connect with 20 Avenue approximately further to the ...

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