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  • 94年    从94年开始研发,现在最新版是FIFA2011。 94年中考,升学率获全市第一名。 羽田孜1 99 4年4月至6月。 ”那是1 99 4年7月间的事。 1 99 4年汽车市场前景如何? Portishead,来自英国Bristol的Trip-Hop巨匠,94年成军。 94年9月1日孩子们正式迁进新校舍。 94年、95年2次获得军队科技进步奖。 92年佛头被盗,94年佛身又被...
  • 公元前94年    天汉四年(公元前94年)汉武帝封刘?为昌邑王。 天汉四年(公元前94年)汉武帝封刘博为昌邑王。 《汉书?武帝纪》记载,太始三年(公元前94年)二月,汉武帝“幸琅邪,礼日成山。 汉武帝于元封五年(公元前106年)和太治三年(公元前94年)曾两次巡狩这里,并游览了琅琊台。 据现有资料可以认定悬泉置遗址时代上限始于西汉武帝太始三年(公元前94年),历经西汉、东汉,下限可至魏晋时期...
  • 前94年    统治期间约在前127年-约前94年。 统治期间约在前94年-前74年。 天汉四年(公元前94年)汉武帝封刘?为昌邑王。 天汉四年(公元前94年)汉武帝封刘博为昌邑王。 太始三年(前94年),钩弋夫人生子,取名弗陵,号钩弋子,武帝视为掌上明珠。 比提尼亚国王尼科美德三世死于约前94年;他的继任者尼科美德四世完全听命于罗马。 《汉书?武帝纪》记载,太始三年(公元前...
  • type 94 disinfecting vehicle and type 94 gas scattering vehicle    The Type 94 Disinfecting Vehicle and Type 94 Gas Scattering Vehicle was a Type 94 tankette adapted to chemical warfare. The "'Type 94 Disinfecting Vehicle and Type 94 Gas Scattering Vehicl...
  • 94    But plenty must wish they had heeded it in'94. To me, it's not all about'94. But Woodstock'94 does start with a variety of advantages. In'94, however, we saw a different Kennedy. Anderson ...
  • 94式礼炮    国庆当天,56门94式礼炮分两组鸣放60响,另有4门作为备用。 据悉,经过改造的60门新型94式礼炮,将在国庆当天有56门分两组鸣放60响,4门作为备用。 94式礼炮不仅外型设计新颖,而且使用安全方便,由过去的炮手跪姿装填改为立姿半自动装填,这在世界上是第一次。 。国庆60周年将使用新型94式礼炮由某工厂将老式94式礼炮进行了加装状态显示灯、加厚防盾、加大国徽尺寸、加宽轮胎...
  • 94式坦克    这车辆就是94式坦克仔(Tankette Type 94 Te-Ke)。 有部份的94式坦克仔安装了一门37 mm火刨。
  • 94式超轻型坦克    94式超轻型坦克,“小豆坦克”,是坦中国克博物馆最为珍贵的藏品之一,自重只有3.2吨。 94式超轻型坦克长3.08米,宽1.62米,高1.62米;自重3.2吨,战斗全重3.45吨;发动机功率23.5千瓦;车辆最大速度40千米/时,最大行程208千米;车内乘员2人。
  • 94 bc    In 94 BC, Emperor Wu's youngest son hook in the palm. She married Tigranes in 94 BC, cementing the alliance between Pontus and Armenia. The father of Socrates, Nicomedes III, died in c . 9...
  • 94 bce    :Just looking at the two articles you have linked, the suggested date s for Nimrod are about 163-94 BCE, and for the likely origin of the likely tower as is 660 BCE . Did the tower ( s ) l...
  • 94 ceti    94 Ceti A is a yellow-white dwarf star with about 1.3 times the mass of the Sun while 94 Ceti B is a red dwarf star. 94 Ceti A is a yellow-white dwarf star with about 1.3 times the mass of...
  • 94 ceti a    94 Ceti A is a yellow-white dwarf star with about 1.3 times the mass of the Sun while 94 Ceti B is a red dwarf star.
  • 94 ceti ab    "' 94 Ceti b "'or "'94 Ceti Ab "'to distinguish it from the distant red dwarf companion, is an extrasolar planet orbiting its star once every 1.2 years.
  • 94 ceti b    94 Ceti A is a yellow-white dwarf star with about 1.3 times the mass of the Sun while 94 Ceti B is a red dwarf star. "' 94 Ceti b "'or "'94 Ceti Ab "'to distinguish it from the distant red...
  • 94 diskont    Allmusic awarded the album five stars and stated, " " 94 Diskont " is undoubtedly a standout in the field of electronically advanced, glitch-heavy music ." In a 2003 feature, the webzine "...
  • 94 east    The connectors to SR 94 east were completed in March. WIS 16 passes around Interchange and its traffic merges onto I-94 east near Waukesha Driscoll lies just off Interstate 94 east of the ...
  • 94 group    Freedom House was one of 94 groups that had applied for the right to take part in U . N . events. With few exceptions, the'94 group have gravitated wholeheartedly toward highly commercial ...
  • 94 hours    On average, the aircraft flew some 94 hours per plane during the war. Two of the band's signature songs, " 94 Hours " and " Forever ", appear on the album. After 94 hours aloft the balloon...
  • 94 meetings    National Hunt horse racing was also badly affected, with 94 meetings cancelled during the freeze. "94 Meetings " included several references to past " Parks and Recreation " episodes. In 9...
  • 94 sqn    Italian pilots claimed two No . 94 Sqn Gladiators but one Fiat was shot down by a Gladiator flown by Wg Cdr Wightman, close to Khan Nuqta.
  • 94 squadron    No . 94 Squadron was formed at Castlereagh, New South Wales, on 30 May 1945. After his experiences flying with No . 94 Squadron, Walker was offered an instructor's job. Lufbery had unconfi...
  • 94 wip    On 7 / 20 / 16 Joey Chestnut called the 94 WIP morning show to talk about the possibility of participating in Wing Bowl 25. He was also the co-host of the " Mike and Ike " show on 94 WIP o...
  • 94新生代    这两个名字也曾经属于94新生代群星。 等,他们被冠以同一个名字:“94新生代”。 其中给观众留下印象最深的是歌组合“9 4新生代”。 高林生:“94新生代”主力唱将,成名曲为《牵挂你的人是我》。 戴娆:“94新生代”主力唱将,以《靠近你轻轻说爱》为代表作。 白雪:“94新生代”主力唱将,以一曲《千古绝唱》走红大江南北。 除孙悦、毛宁寥寥数人,“9...
  • 94返利网    就可以获得94返利网给您的返利。 94返利网也是是淘宝网的特约合作网站,同时也是专业的购物淘宝网返利网站。 94返利网成立于2009年10月,是国内最专业的淘宝网返利网,以第三方的身份提供客观公正的网购向导服务。
  • 94号州际公路    以东175英里处,沿着94号州际公路即可抵达。 二个城市正巧位于威斯康辛州二端,以94号州际公路相连。 目前94号州际公路是编号非5的倍数中最长的一条,有些编号5的倍数的州际公路长度比94号还短一些。 南区就在94号州际公路边,交通方便,公园入口旁的Medora也开发成一个观光小镇,各种服务设施齐全,游客比较多,园区占地也较大。 94号州际公路──于蒙大拿州比林斯由I-90...

如何用94年造句,用94年造句94年 in a sentence, 用94年造句和94年的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。