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  • direct3d和xna游戏开发基础    《Direct3D和XNA游戏开发基础》采用实例驱动的方式进行讲解,在例子中尽量避免罗列不相关的知识点和无关代码,使例子代码短小精悍,容易理解,书中全部例程均给出了详细设计步骤,并对每一步代码给出详细解释,读者可按照书中步骤完成例子。
  • directx9.03d游戏开发编程基础    《DirectX9.03D游戏开发编程基础》主要介绍如何使用DirectX9.0开发交互式3D图形程序,重点是游戏开发。 《DirectX9.03D游戏开发编程基础》内容深入浅出,内容广泛,可供从事3D游戏程序设计、可视化系统设计或其他图形应用程序开发的开发人员和大中专院校学生参考,也极适合各种游戏开发培训机构作为Direct3D编程的培训教程。
  • 游戏软件开发基础    本书作为游戏软件开发基础图书,共分为5个部分:第一部分讲解Windows基础,帮助读者掌握Windows基本概念和程序框架、Windows消息机制,使读者对整个Windows程序有个大体的认识。
  • microsoft xna    Assistance to developers is provided through the Microsoft XNA Developer Connection. C # for Microsoft XNA . Java for Android. The game was developed using Microsoft XNA, a set of game dev...
  • microsoft xna game studio    Joystiq noted that the demo ran on Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0, which is designed for the Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows computers, and Windows Phone 7. "' Dream-Build-Play "', as it was fi...
  • xna    Assistance to developers is provided through the Microsoft XNA Developer Connection. XNA is the basic platform for Xbox Live Indie Games. MDX is deprecated in favor of XNA Game Studio Expr...
  • xna framework    During the XNA Framework or the Xbox 360 APIs ( XInput, XACT etc . ) have not shipped as part of Windows. A programmer would work in a development environment such as Microsoft Visual Stud...
  • xna game studio    MDX is deprecated in favor of XNA Game Studio Express. B閐ard wrote " Fez " in XNA Game Studio Express. :I am a fan of Microsoft's XNA Game Studio. XNA Game Studio 2.0 was released on Decem...
  • xna game studio express    MDX is deprecated in favor of XNA Game Studio Express. B閐ard wrote " Fez " in XNA Game Studio Express. He coded the game in XNA Game Studio Express. On April 24, 2007, Microsoft released a...
  • xna game studio professional    Formerly known as XNA Game Studio Professional, XDK Extensions is an add-on to XNA Game Studio and requires the Microsoft Xbox 360 Development Kit.
  • comparison of opengl and direct3d    The approach made DirectX less popular as a standalone graphics API initially, since many GPUs provided their own specific features, which existing OpenGL applications were already able to...
  • direct3d    For 3D graphics it can handle an OpenGL or Direct3D context. In general, Direct3D is designed to virtualize 3D hardware interfaces. The Direct3D 10 API introduces unified vertex shader and...
  • direct3d 10    The Direct3D 10 API introduces unified vertex shader and pixel shader. Tessellation was earlier considered for Direct3D 10, but was later abandoned. Windows Vista includes a new version of...
  • direct3d 10 level 9    There are seven feature levels provided by structure; levels 9 _ 1, 9 _ 2 and 9 _ 3 ( collectively known as "'Direct3D 10 Level 9 "') re-encapsulate various features of popular Direct3D 9 ...
  • direct3d 11    Both OpenGL 4 . x and Direct3D 11 are supported. Support for hardware tessellation only became mandatory in Direct3D 11 and OpenGL 4. Gathered results showed that modern OpenGL can be many...
  • direct3d 12    Direct3D 12 API, announced at Build 2014, requires WDDM 2.0. GPU PerfStudio 3.6 supports Direct3D 12 on Windows 10 and Vulkan on Windows and Linux. Direct3D 12 features explicit multi-adap...
  • direct3d 9    Windows Vista does, however, contain a backward compatible Direct3D 9 implementation. The version of Direct3D 9 available in Windows Vista is called Direct3D 9Ex. This version uses Direct3...
  • direct3d feature level    Other enhancements include Thunderbolt 3.0, SATA Express, Iris Pro graphics with Direct3D feature level 12 _ 1 with up to 128 MB of L4 eDRAM cache on certain SKUs. Direct2D can minimize CP...
  • direct3d feature levels    Other enhancements include Thunderbolt 3.0, SATA Express, Iris Pro graphics with Direct3D feature level 12 _ 1 with up to 128 MB of L4 eDRAM cache on certain SKUs. Direct2D can minimize CP...
  • direct3d mobile    Direct3D Mobile, a Direct3D derivative, is supported by Windows CE . Currently all Windows Phone 7 devices use a . NET Framework UI accelerated by Direct3D Mobile 9 on Adreno 200 / 205 int...
  • direct3d实时渲染技术    《Direct3D实时渲染技术》非常适合初学者或有一定基础的读者学习Direct3D实时渲染技术时使用。 部分重要的程序代码在书中列出,既突出了代码的重要性,又没有缩减整《Direct3D实时渲染技术》的文字量。 《Direct3D实时渲染技术》不仅系统地讲述了DirectX接口和函数的使用,而且简单剖析了其背后隐含的3D数学和图形学原理,并对DirectX接口介绍得十分详...
  • direct3d对象    Direct3D对象是应用程序第一个创建并最后一个释放的对象。 当建立成功一个DirectX7对象之后,就可以使用该对象的DirectDrawCreate、Direct3DRMCreate等方法建立DirectDraw、Direct3D对象了。 可以通过Direct3D对象访问一些函数,用它们枚举并取得Direct3D设备的能力,这允许应用程序选择设备而无需创建它们。
  • microsoft direct3d    The architecture of the NV1 predates the Microsoft Direct3D philosophy and, as such, game compatibility was a problem with the Diamond Edge boards. Introduced three months after NVIDIA acq...
  • 0-3岁左右脑开发游戏    《0-3岁左右脑开发游戏(全彩)》直接录入了160多个开发左右脑的亲子游戏,并且按照左右脑的不同能力进行分类,让读者根据自己孩子的发育情况,选择合适的游戏。 《0-3岁左右脑开发游戏(全彩)》将左右脑与亲子游戏相结合,书中所有的游戏都非常适合家庭操作,而且同时提供游戏所需的儿歌、故事、卡片等素材,更加方便读者使用。
  • directx游戏开发终极指南    《DirectX游戏开发终极指南》适合于想实践游戏开发的学生、游戏编程的初学者以及想要学习游戏开发的C++程序员。 《DirectX游戏开发终极指南》向读者介绍了如何将自身的技能与一些基本的C++编程技能结合起来,开发出自己的游戏。 《DirectX游戏开发终极指南》配套光盘中包含了每一章的所有源代码、项目以及演示程序,还包含所有的图形、MicrosoftDirectXSD...

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