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  • icl人工晶体植入术    省内唯一开展高度近视ICL人工晶体植入术。 而ICL人工晶体植入术只需在眼睛上开直径3毫米的小口,将特制的人工晶体像打针一样注射进入眼球内,安全并具有良好的矫治效果。 中华医学会眼科分会会员,天津医科大学眼科硕士,美国田纳西州MingWang眼科研究所飞秒激光手术和ICL人工晶体植入术研究员,受训于国际奥比斯飞机眼科医院,师从我国眼底病泰斗原广州中山眼科中心高汝龙教授研习玻...
  • 人工晶体植入术    方法对56例外伤性白内障人工晶体植入术后进行回顾性研究。 儿童白内障摘除人工晶体植入术疗效分析 后房型人工晶体植入术后瞳孔移位对视功能的影响 摘要目的评价外伤性白内障人工晶体植入术的疗效及问题。 无缝线小切口人工晶体植入术后角膜散光的临床研究 方法:采用前囊方形截除术对55例( 59眼)皮质性白内障行囊外摘除及后房型人工晶体植入术。 影响糖尿病患者人工晶体植入术远期视力预后...
  • 人工血管植入术    2004年新开展手术与项目:支撑型人工血管植入术(介入);全主动脉弓部替换+支撑型人工血管植入术(术中);急性DeBaKey III型主动脉夹层治疗新策略;常温非体外循环下全主动脉弓替换术;改良三片法David手术;一期全主动脉替换术。
  • 人工晶状体植入术    高龄白内障患者超声乳化人工晶状体植入术疗效分析 悬吊式人工晶状体植入术后组织病理学研究 糖尿病患者白内障超声乳化吸除联合后房型人工晶状体植入术疗效分析 摘要目的探讨人工晶状体植入术后眼内炎的药物治疗效果。 两种不同切口人工晶状体植入术后角膜地形图对比分析 白内障超声乳化囊膜破裂人工晶状体植入术后并发症 方法24例( 24眼)手术均采用小切口非超乳白内障摘出人工晶状体植入术。...
  • 人工心脏植入术    包括心胸外科开展的新式微创不停跳冠状动脉搭桥术、异种无支架主动脉瓣加生物二尖瓣置换术治疗风湿性心脏双瓣膜病变、体外循环下气管肿瘤切除+气管对端吻合术、冠心病心肌梗塞冠状动脉搭桥术并室壁肿瘤切除术、大动脉瘤手术以及成功地完成了亚洲第一例人工心脏植入术等一大批手术。
  • 晶体植入术    方法对56例外伤性白内障人工晶体植入术后进行回顾性研究。 儿童白内障摘除人工晶体植入术疗效分析 后房型人工晶体植入术后瞳孔移位对视功能的影响 摘要目的评价外伤性白内障人工晶体植入术的疗效及问题。 无缝线小切口人工晶体植入术后角膜散光的临床研究 方法:采用前囊方形截除术对55例( 59眼)皮质性白内障行囊外摘除及后房型人工晶体植入术。 影响糖尿病患者人工晶体植入术远期视力预后...
  • icl    Gross profit margins on ICL's mainframe computers have deteriorated. The last model was 1325 based on two models from ICL. A hyperopic model ICL ( posterior chamber PIOL ) is available. In...
  • icl 1900    Later versions were implemented for ICL 1900 series ( running the George operating system ). When Wimpey bought an ICL 1900 computer the management asked that the system be run on that mac...
  • icl 1900 series    Later versions were implemented for ICL 1900 series ( running the George operating system ).
  • icl 2900    The company's most successful product line was the ICL 2900 Series range of mainframe computers. Both 1900 and System-4 were eventually replaced by the ICL 2900 Series which was introduced...
  • icl 2900 series    The company's most successful product line was the ICL 2900 Series range of mainframe computers. Both 1900 and System-4 were eventually replaced by the ICL 2900 Series which was introduced...
  • icl 2903    PF73 was eventually sold in 1973 as the ICL 2903 and 2904; despite their New Range numbering these machines used the ICL 1900 instruction set and ran 1900 software.
  • icl 2960    In the 1980s, there were still ICL 2900 mainframes running LEO programs, using an emulator written in ICL 2960 microcode at the Dalkeith development centre. The University of Kent system w...
  • icl 2966    In November 2014 George 3 was run on a reconditioned ICL 2966 at the National Museum of Computing. The museum also includes the world's oldest working digital computer ( the ICL 2966 mainf...
  • icl 2980    The ICL 2980 was not a popular machine and this held back the use of the DAP as an attached processor was restricted initially to this one range.
  • icl 7500 series    The "'ICL 7500 series "'( 7501, 7502, 7503, 7561, etc . ) was a range of terminals and workstations, that were developed by ICL during the 1970s for their new range ICL 2900 Series mainfra...
  • icl cartridges    Quality Cartridge is the only manufacturer making new brass cases correctly headstamped for many ICL cartridges.
  • icl dap    There were a number of bit serial massively parallel computers around thirty years ago but for instance the ICL DAP had 4096 elements a 64x64 array which is a workable size.
  • icl drs    In September 1987, a version of multi-tasking "'MS-DOS 4.1 "'was reported to be developed for the ICL DRS Professional Workstation ( PWS ). After the takeover of CCI by Standard Telephones...
  • icl drs professional workstation    In September 1987, a version of multi-tasking "'MS-DOS 4.1 "'was reported to be developed for the ICL DRS Professional Workstation ( PWS ).
  • icl fellows    ICL Fellows also acted as technical advisers to senior company management. At this point Professor Brian Warboys became the Senior ICL Fellow. Three prior ICL Fellows  Nig Greenaway, Nic ...
  • icl industrial products    On December 17, 2009, as the result of negotiations with EPA, the two U . S . producers of decabromodiphenyl ether ( decaBDE ), Albemarle Corporation and Chemtura Corporation, and the larg...
  • icl manresa    In January 2016, he signed with Spanish club ICL Manresa. In October 2016, Rush agreed a one-month with Spanish club ICL Manresa. On September 14, 2015, he signed with ICL Manresa for the ...
  • icl one per desk    The Microdrive technology was later also used in the Sinclair QL and ICL One Per Desk personal computers. In addition to the QL versions, dual internal Microdrives were included in the rel...
  • icl operating systems    After 30 years, the system was still in use by Fujitsu to maintain the ICL operating system.

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