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  • idf经国号战斗机    F-20预定使用的AN/APG-67轻型雷达较F-16A/B所用的AN/APG-66为佳,但逊于F-16C/D所用的AN/APG-68雷达,AN/APG-67型雷达之后也因中华民国启动设计IDF经国号战斗机的安翔计划,成为其下的子计划:天雷计划的候选者。 为了争取350架的潜在订单,诺斯洛普与通用动力两家公司的副总裁及技术顾问团队都同时到圆山饭店与台湾地区空军商谈,不过最后...
  • idf战斗机    台湾研制IDF战斗机耗资10亿美元。 同年第一架成批生产的IDF战斗机交付军方。 但受预算的限制,只有部分IDF战斗机将进行升级。 如果样机通过测试,他们将成为IDF战斗机升级的模型。 他指出:“这两架IDF战斗机将成为C型与D型IDF战斗机的样机。 此外,新型IDF战斗机还将增加油舱容量或具有空中加油功能。 年底,台湾空军改变计划,只采购130架IDF战斗机(含28架双座...
  • “经国号”战斗机    天剑IIA将装备于“经国号”战斗机上,一架飞机能挂载4枚。 自1985年以来,BAE系统公司与台湾汉翔公司合作制造了全天候、多任务“经国号”战斗机,飞行控制系统已经改进过几次,最近的一次开发合同是在2002年授予的。 2007年3月,民进党当局的“去蒋化”动作近日动到了台军的武器上,据台媒报道,台军“经国号”战斗机,在推出改良机型时被陈水扁“正名”,以动物名字“雄鹰”来代替...
  • 台湾idf战斗机    台湾军方于2003年10月透露,根据“翔升”计划,台湾IDF战斗机将进行系统升级,增加对地攻击以及反辐射能力。
  • aidc idf    According to the media, the AIDC IDF trainer concept apparently involved the removal of the fire control radar and combat systems with the retention of rear-seat flight controls, so that t...
  • destruction of palestinian homes by the idf    The 11th track of the album named " Rachel " is a tribute to Rachel Corrie who was killed by an Israel Defense Forces ( IDF ) Caterpillar D9R armored bulldozer, during an ISM protest again...
  • history of the idf    This was one of the largest " revolts " in the history of the IDF . One of the leaders of the " Golani rebellion " was St .-Sgt. The Bmaryamin landing was supposed to be the largest helibo...
  • idf    He has to allow the IDF to operate in the north, The IDF is huge, but it listens to young soldiers. The IDF said armed Palestinians opened fire towards the Israeli soldiers. Israeli army :...
  • idf战机    2007年3月汉翔正式展出了IDF战机的升级版本。 进入21世纪后,台湾开始寻求改进IDF战机,重点提升其航电系统和对地攻击能力。 2005年1月,台媒体称,由于年度国防预算额度持续下滑,空军经费又比去年减少,加以飞行员人数不足,台空军计划分阶段封存部分幻影2000与IDF战机。
  • idf achzarit    It was influenced by Israel's IDF Achzarit that created virtually the same modifications in the 80s. An IDF Achzarit would then enter the hole, allowing troops to clear the house without g...
  • idf caterpillar d9    Israeli IDF Caterpillar D9 armoured bulldozers erected sand-barriers around Rafah to isolate it. According to witnesses, Imad surrendered immediately after an IDF Caterpillar D9 armoured b...
  • idf checkpoint    In 2006, za'atar plants were confiscated at IDF checkpoints. IDF checkpoints may be staffed by the Israeli Military Police, the Israel Border Police, or other soldiers. In this portion unt...
  • idf general staff    In September 2008, the 100-page report was presented to the IDF General Staff. Ben-Gurion told Sharon, " The Palestinians must learn that they will pay a high price for Israeli lives . " S...
  • idf intel developer forum    Idf intel developer forum Idf intel developer forum
  • idf military operations    I don't see anything like that mentioned in IDF military operations. According to Augustus Richard Norton, professor of international relations at Boston University, the IDF military opera...
  • idf namer    Today they are replaced by the IDF Namer, advanced heavy APC based on a Merkava chassis.
  • idf orchestra    Isaac Muse at the top of the IDF Orchestra March of that step. User : Itailevi22212 has edited the IDF Orchestra article, a target of past Itailevi00 socks. During his tenure with the IDF ...
  • idf parade    The last IDF parade thus took place in 1973, on Israel's 25th birthday. The first IDF parade took place during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, on July 27, 1948, on Allenby Street and Ben Yehuda...
  • idf ranks    This origin is reflected in the slightly-compacted IDF rank structure. IDF Ranks and their insignia were initially influenced by the British / Commonwealth model. The court ordered that Na...
  • idf special forces    This variant underwent trials with IDF special forces during late 1998. First introduced to IDF special forces in 1954, the weapon was placed into general issue two years later. Kidon was ...
  • idf special forces units    Kidon was described as " an elite group of expert assassins who operate under the IDF special force units . " There is almost no reliable information available on this ultra-secret organis...
  • idf spokesman    According to an IDF spokesman, his house wasn't raided. According to the IDF spokesman the soldier was killed by terrorist gun fire. He served as an officer in the IDF Spokesman's Office d...
  • idf spokesperson    Brigadier General Motti Almoz Appointed IDF Spokesperson IDF Blog, October 14, 2013 The statement was denied by the IDF spokesperson. IDF spokespersons often reported that scores of demora...
  • 经国号    目前仅有经国号战机可以使用。 天剑IIA将装备于“经国号”战斗机上,一架飞机能挂载4枚。 台湾空军计划使用该型计算机升级现役的“经国号”并在新造的飞机上使用。 据报道,“经国号”战机是以战机计划主导人、台湾前领导人蒋经国的名字来命名。 “经国号”二代战机升级代号为“翔升计划”,主要提升航电系统,并于2006年10月4日首次试飞成功。 在汉翔公司提供的资料中,出现经国号战机挂...
  • 经国号战机    目前仅有经国号战机可以使用。 在汉翔公司提供的资料中,出现经国号战机挂载“天剑二A型”反辐射导弹,以及“万剑”遥攻武器的照片。 天剑二型空对空导弹是主动雷达导引的中程导弹,是台湾地区中山科学研究院在美国的协助下为经国号战机所研发生产的系统。 1998年,RF-1O4型机退役,新一代RF-16侦察照相机的换装又缓不济急,而如果把专为“空防”任务设计的经国号战机改...

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