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  • p2p网络电视    摘要本文就p2p网络电视相关问题加以论述。 顾名思义,p2p网络电视就是运用P2P技术的网络电视。
  • p2p网络借贷平台    国外成功的P2P网络借贷平台Zopa:2005年3月在伦敦成立,目前已拥有超过24万注册会员,除Zopa UK外开发出Zopa Italy,Zopa Japan,Zopa USA。 P2P网络借贷平台在英美等发达国家发展已相对完善,这种新型的理财模式已逐渐被身处网络时代的大众所接受。 国外成功的P2P网络借贷平台Prosper:成立于2006年,目前拥有超过98万会员,超过...
  • p2p网络电影    p2p网络电影:随着互联网的发展,P2P作为一种新兴的网络电影播放形式,以其速度快,少缓冲,人越多越不卡的优点成为广大网友所喜欢的一些电影播放形势,网络中的电影播放形式又叫在线电影,让你足不出户就可以在网络的海洋里,看到你所想看到的电影。
  • 对等网络(p2p)    作为改变现有Internet应用模式的主要技术之一,计算机对等网络(P2P)是目前新一代互联网技术研究的热点之一。 JXTA(发音作“juxta”)是Sun微系统对等网络(P2P)的标准,这是一个努力的方向,以它来促进和探究分布式计算的新方法。
  • 语义p2p网络    在此语义P2P网络中,节点被类似DNS域名标识。 黄理灿创造性地提出了一种新型的P2P网络??语义P2P网络VIRGO。 在国际上首次提出了一种新型的P2P网络??语义P2P网络--VIRGO。 浙江理工大学黄理灿教授近日在国际上首次提出了一种新型的P2P网络??语义P2P网络。 黄理灿教授因发明新型的语义P2P网络而被英国剑桥传记中心“2008/2009年度全球2000名...
  • anonymous p2p    Governments are also interested in anonymous P2P technology. Some proponents of anonymous P2P systems believe that all restrictions on free speech serve authoritarian interests. Every node...
  • foundation for p2p alternatives    The Foundation for P2P Alternatives explicitly aims to " creates a new public domain, an information commons, which should be protected and extended, especially in the domain of common kno...
  • p2p    The P2P and other easily obtained ingredients were mixed in ether. Some form of P2P payment system is sure to hold on. P2P programs allow other users to probe your computer for files. Legi...
  • p2p asset management    P2P Asset management takes dis-intermediation full circle.
  • p2p asset manager    An important nuance is that P2P asset managers could suffer a conflict of interest, if in addition to acting in an agent capacity, providing investment management and brokerage services, t...
  • p2p banking    Since P2P banking does not use third party banking institution intermediaries the rates and terms are often much more favourable for the members. P2P banking and financing has been propose...
  • p2p caching    P2P caching temporarily stores popular content that is flowing into an ISP s network. Peerapp Ltd . holds the first patent for P2P caching technology, which was filed in 2000. P2P caching...
  • p2p file sharing    The album leaked onto P2P file sharing networks on March 17, 2008. The album was leaked to P2P file sharing networks in early May 2008. Their first song, " MPFree " is an anthem for P2P fi...
  • p2p filesharing    Blocking certain IPs has become commonplace and even considered essential in P2P filesharing. There were reports on the Big Wheel Recreation website that they were working on a second albu...
  • p2p foundation    The P2P Foundation is a registered institute founded in Amsterdam, Netherlands. A fourth conference was held in Manchester in March 2009 in cooperation with P2P Foundation. The workshop is...
  • p2p global investments    Subsequent investment from industry giant P2P Global Investments and an expansion within the company then contributed to threefold growth in 2015, and by the end of 2016, more than ?0 mill...
  • p2p lending    Last and most recent platform, is P2P lending. In 2013, the company introduced the P2P Lending Software implemented in UK-based crowdfunding firms. The company was founded in September 201...
  • p2p network    This is one of the major concepts behind the P2P network. The investigations conducted by the association were influenced by P2P networks. The first of these projects was " P2P Networks. P...
  • p2p networks    This is one of the major concepts behind the P2P network. The investigations conducted by the association were influenced by P2P networks. The first of these projects was " P2P Networks. P...
  • p2p overlay    FCAN constructs P2P overlay on cache proxy layer to distribute the flash traffic from origin web server. The basic idea behind Turtle is to build a P2P overlay on top of pre-existing trust...
  • p2p payments    Some form of P2P payment system is sure to hold on. Most P2P payments simply use your e-mail address and checking or credit card number. Originally, the format should have been used for a ...
  • p2p services    :: Yeah, I was talking about a p2p service. On P2P services a downloader is identifiable to all others by their network address. Also unlike modern P2P services, the identity of the downlo...
  • p2p tv    :: There are a lot of P2P TV programmes, mostly from China which allow you to watch live TV . They usually aren't that reliable. As opposed to streaming technology in which all clients get...
  • p2p universal computing consortium    "' P2P Universal Computing Consortium "'( PUCC ) is promoting research and development of an open P2P / Overlay network standards.
  • p2p传播    真正的B2B将在真正的P2P传播中成长起来。 他们把大多数的作品给到了他们擅长进行P2P传播的朋友手中。 MSN好快病毒是通过MSN和P2P传播的网络蠕虫,发作后向所有在线MSN联系人发送自身文件。 6、通过P2P传播:如果蠕虫在受感染计算机中寻找P2P客户端软件,如:KaZaa、Morpheus,、iMesh、Edonkey、LimeWire,将自己复制到共享文件夹中。

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