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  • ptfe服装膜    PTFE服装膜的微孔孔径是水滴直径的1/5000-1/20000,因此即使是最小的雨滴也不能通过。 PTFE服装膜的孔隙率高达80%,平均孔径为0.2um,微孔孔径大于水蒸汽分子的700倍,水蒸汽分子可自由通过。 PTFE服装膜孔径较小(平均孔径0.2um),阻隔某些有毒气体或气溶胶的透入,低表面能阻止某些有毒液体的渗透。 PTFE复合面料是我司用特殊工艺将PTFE服装膜复...
  • ptfe覆膜滤料    PTFE覆膜滤料是在普通滤料表面复合一层聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)薄膜而行成的一种新型滤料。
  • ptfe膜    本文在总结分析了国内外风冷环境条件下保暖材料的保暖机理及材料特性后,提出了采用羽绒纤维与ptfe膜复合加工高保暖性材料的设计思路。对ptfe膜、 pu膜及ptfe pu膜的透湿性进行了比较;探讨分析了羽绒纤维的结构及成毡机理;对暖体假人进行了模拟风冷实验研究。在此基础上,分析总结了不同的材料、不同的羽绒含量对保暖絮毡保暖性的影响程度;在风冷环境下,比较了风速对有ptfe膜絮...
  • ptfe膜材    PTFE膜材料的厚度宜大于0.5mm。 PTFE膜材应该按规定的加热和冷却循环程序进行焊接。 2)PTFE膜材料的颜色、光线反射率与透光率宜满足下表的要求。 PTFE膜材是在超细玻璃纤维织物上涂以聚四氟乙烯树脂而成的材料。 我国已有PTFE膜材的自主知识产权,性能也基本达到国外同类产品的要求。 最大跨度140余米的空间钢结构和PTFE膜材屋面、无色玻璃幕墙使整个建筑酷似欲飞...
  • ptfe微孔滤膜    覆膜除尘袋是由e-PTFE微孔滤膜与各种针刺毡覆合加工而成,可以过滤粉尘微粒,实现近于零排放。
  • ptfe净化膜    PTFE净化膜是以聚四氟乙烯为原料,经过膨化、挤压、压延、热定型双向拉伸后形成一种具有原纤维结点的微孔性薄膜,将此薄膜用特殊工艺覆合在各种织物和基材上,成为新型过滤材料,该膜孔径小,分布均匀,孔隙率大,在保持空气流通的同时,可以过滤包括细菌在内的所有尘埃颗粒,达到净化且通风的目的,它广泛应用于制药、生化、微电子和实验室耗材等领域。
  • ptfe工程膜    PTFE工程膜:以PTFE为原料,经特殊工艺双向拉伸而成。
  • ptfe建筑膜材    膨化PTFE建筑膜材。 由膨化PTFE纤维织成的基布两面贴上氟树脂薄膜即得膨化PTFE建筑膜材。 。由膨化PTFE纤维织成的基布两面贴上氟树脂薄膜即得膨化PTFE建筑膜材。 PTFE建筑膜材的最大特点是:重量轻、强度高、防火难燃、自洁性好,不受紫外线影响、抗疲劳、耐扭曲、耐老化、使用寿命长。
  • expanded ptfe    One year later, it was given the name of " Gore-Tex expanded PTFE ". Gore's product line builds around a core material set using expanded PTFE and other fluoropolymers. Today, expanded PTF...
  • polytetrafluoroethylene (ptfe)    Porous polytetrafluoroethylene ( ptfe ) membranes were prepared from ptfe fine powder by a series of mechenical operations such as extrusion , rolling and stretching The seat material shal...
  • ptfe    Solid Teflon ( PTFE ) is also used as an insulator. PTFE or other fluoropolymer can be used as a pressurization rate. Main producers of PTFE film capacitors are located in the USA. The PTF...
  • ptfe缝纫线    滤袋缝制必须用玻纤缝纫线或PTFE缝纫线等耐高温材料,从实际使用效果来看,PTFE缝纫线相对于玻纤缝纫线具有更好的耐折、磨性能,因而使用寿命更长。
  • ptfe bearing    Each section of the bridge was pushed with 600 tonnes of hydraulic force over PTFE bearings on the top of the bridge supports. Examples of the second type of bearing are Oilites and plasti...
  • ptfe fiber    The " sky lanterns " are made of ultraviolet-resistant PTFE fiber nets, supported by painted galvanized steel rings. Because PTFE is relatively insoluble and has a very high melting point,...
  • ptfe film capacitor    Main producers of PTFE film capacitors are located in the USA. PTFE film capacitors are used in applications that must withstand extremely high temperatures . such as in military equipment...
  • ptfe powder    Under extreme pressures, PTFE powder or solids is of little value as it is soft and flows away from the area of contact.
  • ptfe structured packing    "' PTFE Structured Packing "'refers to a range of specially designed materials for use in absorption and PTFE Sheets arranged in a way that they force fluids to take complicated paths thro...
  • ptfe tape    PTFE tape is usually wrapped around threads of pipework ( before tightening a joint ), to make a better seal. His father expected that the PTFE tape would not stick to the wire, but he tri...
  • ptfe thread seal tape    Ptfe thread seal tape Established in 1988 , we have more than 15 years of experience in manufacturing and exporting all kinds of ptfe thread seal tape and expanded ptfe seal . . . . . Esta...
  • ptfe toxicosis    Fumes from Teflon in very high heat are fatal to parrots, as well as some other birds ( PTFE Toxicosis ).
  • ptfe塑料    缆式最长35m,最短0.5m,材质不锈钢304+PTFE塑料或约定的其它要求。 保护电极标准长度100mm或300mm材质不锈钢304+PTFE塑料、陶瓷或约定的其它要求。 传感器电极加长杆式最长3m,最短0.4m,材质不锈钢304+PTFE塑料、陶瓷,或约定的其它要求。 钠萘溶液处理含氟材料,主要是通过腐蚀液与PTFE塑料发生化学反应,扯掉材料表面上的部分氟原子,这样就在...
  • ptfe针刺毡    公司的产品有:P84、PPS、PTFE针刺毡、玻氟斯、美塔斯、氟耐尔、四斯美,玻美斯、玻纤毡、涤纶毡、玻纤布、圆筒布、涤纶布等系列以及骨架、钢圈等产品。 成功研制出ePTFE微孔膜及其覆膜滤料(包括涤纶毡覆膜滤料、芳纶毡覆膜滤料、PPS毡覆膜滤料、亚克力毡覆膜滤料、PTFE毡覆膜滤料、丙纶毡覆膜滤料、玻纤系列覆膜滤料及各种复合毡覆膜滤料等)、PTFE高强缝纫线、PTFE长丝...
  • ptfe滤材    PTFE滤材是使用玻纤、无纺布等材料与PTFE微孔膜经过特殊设备热轧而成,既保持了滤材的通透性又提高整体的过滤效率。
  • teflon ptfe    In addition, Geiger Berger was involved in the development of structural fabric materials such as Teflon PTFE coated fiberglass.
  • 石墨填充ptfe纤维盘根    石墨填充PTFE纤维盘根是将编织盘根的两种主要新型材料石墨和PTFE相互结合而成的一种复合型材料编织而成的盘根。

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