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  • ro反渗透技术    ?公司拥有水处理行业最领先的核心技术---RO反渗透技术。 产品所采用的RO反渗透技术,是美国太空总署花费数亿美元,经过多年努力研制出的高科技成功。 采用美国最先进的RO反渗透技术与美国水质协会高品质的零件组成,能去除水中各种有害物质、滤去各种细菌、病毒、重金属离子、化学污染等。 。RO反渗透技术所使用的RO膜的孔径是0.1nm,这个尺寸基本上只能通过水分子和溶解于水中的气...
  • ro反渗透水处理    产品由进水预处理装置、RO反渗透水处理主机、后级供水装置三大部分组成。 公司引进和采用了由美国太空总署投入巨资研发成功、被誉为“20世纪六大发明之一”的RO反渗透水处理技术,研发制造了小分子团活净直饮水自助设备、中央净水系统、家庭净水装置、等主导产品。 生产设备的选型、安装符合生产工艺和卫生要求,直接接触药品的设备全部采用316L和304不锈钢材料,主要设备有T15/h-R...
  • ro ro    These features are now common to most Ro Ro drive through ships. By the mid 20th century with the rise of road transport, general purpose Ro Ro ferries started to come into service. In 196...
  • ro-ro passenger ship    Requirements of safety technology and operation for ro - ro passenger ship terminal Merchant shipping seafarers ro - ro passenger ships - training amendment regulation 2001 Merchant shippi...
  • ro-ro passenger ships    Requirements of safety technology and operation for ro - ro passenger ship terminal Merchant shipping seafarers ro - ro passenger ships - training amendment regulation 2001 Merchant shippi...
  • vehicle deck on ro-ro ship    Vehicle deck on ro - ro ship
  • ro逆渗透纯水机    产品均按国际标准制造,完全能与各种RO逆渗透纯水机设备和各种家用净水器配套。 主要产品有直饮净水机、RO逆渗透纯水机、软水机、中央净水机、管线饮水机和各式滤芯。 南通亨家乐环保科技有限公司主营产品有∶家用、商用型RO逆渗透纯水机系列、净水器系列、冷热直饮机系列和管线机系列等,也可根据用户需求进行订制。 反渗透膜净水机又称RO逆渗透纯水机,它的核心部件采用的是由美国引进的反渗...
  • ro逆渗透净水机    RO逆渗透净水机,引进美国先进的超低压逆渗透技术和配件,生产出国内最为先进的家用和团体用纯净水装置,该装置产水优质、安全运行、稳定可靠、操作简单,占地面积小,最有效的去除水中钙、镁、细菌、有机物、无机物、金属离子和放射性物质等,经过该装置净化出的水晶莹清澈、甜美甘醇。 RO逆渗透净水机制出的纯净水相对于桶装水更新鲜、更卫生、更安全,它的用途非常广泛:可以生饮,也可以烧开喝,...
  • ro逆渗透净水器    RO逆渗透净水器是利用RO逆渗透为主要技术的水处理制备,分为家用、商用、工业用,RO逆渗透是一种通过对原水进行过滤处理,过程中不添加任何化合物而生产出可供人类直接饮用的纯净水机器。 是其中较优质的一种.RO逆渗透净水器是采用各级高级过滤滤芯,其主要过滤滤芯是RO膜,能够过滤掉其中的水中钙、镁、细菌、有机物、无机物、金属离子和放射性物质等不健康的物质,利用高级炭料进行水吸附处...
  • 反渗透技术    反渗透技术需要加压、加电。 在RO膜反渗透技术上在业内数一数二。 浅析反渗透技术在电厂化学水中的应用 中空纤维反渗透技术中空纤维反渗透组件 公司致力于反渗透技术,EDI超纯水设备创新。 特别是现在利用的反渗透技术已经相当成熟。 它以自来水为水源,采用反渗透技术进行处理。 中空纤维反渗透技术中空纤维反渗透组件测试方法 反渗透技术是当今最先进和最节能有效的分离技术...
  • 反渗透和纳滤技术    目前,市场上绝大多数净水产品(应用反渗透和纳滤技术的纯水机)大都是高耗能(耗材)和浪费水的,这与国家的产业发展战略相违背,也成为行业发展的瓶颈,欧惠浦公司认为,企业要发展,市场环境是第一位的,所以,欧惠浦认为,当务之急不是推广欧惠浦的核心技术和优势产品,而是要通过各种形式推广欧惠浦以环保节能为追求的核心理念,即“要洁净,更要节水”,让国人了解节水产品的优势并自...
  • 1988 ro    "' ( 6002 ) 1988 RO "'is a carbonaceous Jupiter trojan from the Trojan camp, approximately 41 kilometers in diameter. Senior Clinical Lecturer at the Tavistock Clinic, London, and the Inst...
  • 1993 ro    Very little is known about ( 385185 ) 1993 RO . Even the diameter estimate of ~ 90 km is based on the assumed albedo of 0.09. It was discovered a day after ( 385185 ) 1993 RO and a day bef...
  • bai ro tsa na    Bai ro tsa na
  • charles ro manufacturing company    "' USA Trains "'is a manufacturer of G scale model railroad products that started out as "'Charles Ro Manufacturing Company " '.
  • charles ro supply company    USA Trains started out as part of Charles Ro Supply Company, the biggest train store, as well as America's largest family-run business, started by father and son Charles Ro senior and juni...
  • chi ro    One long-lasting symbol of this is the Chi Ro, which forms the first two letters of the Greeks'name for Christ.
  • cho ro    "' Chrau "'is a Bahnaric language spoken by some of the 22, 000 ethnic Cho Ro people in southern Vietnam.
  • cho ro people    "' Chrau "'is a Bahnaric language spoken by some of the 22, 000 ethnic Cho Ro people in southern Vietnam.
  • con-ro ship    Con - ro ship
  • dr ro    In February 2014 Dr Ros Tolcher announced she would be leaving her post at the Trust to take up a new role as chief executive at Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust where she grew ...
  • ensign ro    Hayenga filmed his scene for the episode " Ensign Ro " on Friday 2 August 1991 on Paramount Stage 16. Capt . Picard, along with Guinan, Keiko O'Brien, and Ensign Ro spend shore leave here....
  • ensign ro laren    Kennelly assigns a controversial person to assist Picard : Starfleet Ensign Ro Laren, a Bajoran whose reputation is very poor. The episode features the first appearance of Michelle Forbes ...
  • eric ro    He has also produced alongside Eric Ro on the reality docu project for DJ Shy's " Beauty & The Beats ". Evans Blue stopped in LA mid-tour to shoot the video for " Erase My Scars " with Dir...
  • gong ro myung    They met Saturday with Kim, Foreign Minister Gong Ro Myung and other South Korean leaders. On Saturday, Grachev is scheduled to pay a courtesy call on President Kim Young Sam and to meet F...

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