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  • intermediate tyre


  • Switches between various car configuration settings to account for whether grooved , intermediate or wet tyres are being used
  • In line with the 2007 regulations , bridgestone furnished every team with two tyre compounds ( medium and soft ) at albert park
    (根据2007的赛事规则,普利斯通在阿尔伯特公园赛道为每个车队提供两种规格的轮胎(中性胎和软胎) 。
  • Monteiro survived one big off at the first chicane , while albers was upset to have been started on standard wet bridgestones rather than intermediates
  • “ both specifications of tyres performed as our simulations predicted , ” said van de grint . “ the medium compound was very consistent and the soft compound was more of a challenge for the teams
    (根据2007的赛事规则,普利斯通在阿尔伯特公园赛道为每个车队提供两种规格的轮胎(中性胎和软胎) 。
  • A wet race saw michael ' s intermediate tires superior to everyone . with them , michael was several seconds a lap quicker than montoya and overtook him on lap 16 . race was over
  • With the rules stipulating that all drivers use both specifications during the race , most drivers - 14 out of 22 - relied on the medium tyres during the earlier stages , before opting to use the softer rubber - which in practice proved quicker , but more susceptible to graining - for their final push towards the finish line
    随着新规则的实行,所有参赛车手在比赛中必须使用两套轮胎,在比赛的开始阶段, 22位参赛车手中的14位车手都选择中性胎,虽然软胎在测试中被证实单圈成绩快于中性胎,但是软胎更容易到受轮胎过早颗粒化的影响,因此比赛结束前的最后一次进站参赛车手会选择软胎去冲击下名次。 )
  • Despite the large quantity of tyres used this weekend , we did not experience any tyre problems . ( toro rosso ' s ) scott speed did suffer from falling pressure in his front tyres , but from our and the team ' s investigations we found these to be from air leakage which was not related to the tyres
    随着新规则的实行,所有参赛车手在比赛中必须使用两套轮胎,在比赛的开始阶段, 22位参赛车手中的14位车手都选择中性胎,虽然软胎在测试中被证实单圈成绩快于中性胎,但是软胎更容易到受轮胎过早颗粒化的影响,因此比赛结束前的最后一次进站参赛车手会选择软胎去冲击下名次。 )
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