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  • jiuhua spa & resort


  • Standard room b jiuhua hotel reservation
    标准房b ,安徽九华山庄预订
  • Standard room a jiuhua hotel reservation
    标准房a ,安徽九华山庄预订
  • Conference venue : jiuhua hotel and convention centre , beijing , china
  • Jiuhua is a perfect combination of classical style and modern technology
  • Jiuhua hotel : hotels in jiuhuashan , jiuhuashan accommodation rooms , china discount reservation
  • On 23 - 24 november , 2006 , two teachers of srcces were invited to attend escp training course on modern methodology “ methods and methodology in law ” at the jiuhua resort , north of beijing
    2006年11月23 - 24日,两名中心教师参加了项目办在北京九华山庄举办的现代方法学:法律方法论培训班。
  • Built by the mountain , classic corridors connected among buildings , the hotel is amazing , meanwhile , dense greens , carved beams and decorated pillars make the hotel a nice and quiet place . such an elegant place
  • The hotel really is a satisfied staying place for touring , vacation , business and holding meetings . with excellent equipment , best service and friendly environment , the hotel is respectfully waiting for your staying
  • Jiuhua hotel , anhui province , located in four - a - level scenic area , is invested and built by cpic group , and is a three star hotel which is aiming to apply for being a four star hotel in mt
  • Located in changping district , beijing , china , jiuhua resort was the imperial resort of the ancient chinese emperors since yuan dynasty . now owned by the health ministry of china , the resort has become a complex of health recovery , entertainment , conference and open to the public
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