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  • piece
  • "件"英文翻译    piece; article; item
  • "副"英文翻译    assistant
  • "支"英文翻译    branch; offshoot
  • "座"英文翻译    seat; place
  • "部"英文翻译    part; section; division; reg ...
  • "片"英文翻译    a flat,thin piece; slice; fl ...
  • "块"英文翻译    piece; lump; chunk
  • "件,片,块" 英文翻译 :    piece
  • "一(块,张,片,件)" 英文翻译 :    a piece of
  • "块,件" 英文翻译 :    piece
  • "块, 片" 英文翻译 :    pieces
  • "件、个、块" 英文翻译 :    pcs. pieces
  • "片,块;价格" 英文翻译 :    pc piece; prices
  • "一张(片,块……)" 英文翻译 :    a piece of
  • "件 个 只 块 匹" 英文翻译 :    pec. pc.---------piece
  • "件;个;只;块;匹" 英文翻译 :    pce.;pc piece
  • "块,片(木、石等),街区" 英文翻译 :    block
  • "图 形 支 援 软 件" 英文翻译 :    graphic support software
  • "非 模 座 部 分 母模心型" 英文翻译 :    cavity insert
  • "模 座 部 分 母模固定板" 英文翻译 :    top champing plate
  • "支" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(分支; 支派) branch; offshoot 党总支 general party branch; 支店 branch store2.(地支) the twelve earthly branches3.(姓氏) a surname 支叔才 zhi shucaiⅡ动词1.(撑) prop up; put up; hold 把伞支开 put up an umbrella; 用柱子支住平台 hold a platform by pillars; 这栅栏该用东西支一支。 this fence should be propped up.2.(伸出; 竖起) stick; protrude; prick 门牙往外支着 with one's incisor or front teeth protruded; 支起耳朵 prick up its or one's ears3.(支持) support; sustain; hold up; bear 体力不支 lack of physical strength; too tired to go on doing sth.; too weak physically to stand it; 乐不可支 overwhelmed with joy; overjoyed; 她疼得真有点支不住了。 she could hardly bear the pain any more.4.(调度; 指使) order; send away; put sb. off 支嘴儿 order sb. about; 借故支开他 send him away on some pretext or other; 这事甭支别人了, 你自个儿去吧。 don't send anyone else, better go yourself.5.(付出) pay out; disburse 开支 pay expenses; 预支给他一个月的工钱 pay him a month salary in advance6.(领取) receive; get payment; draw (money) 透支 overdraw; 从财务科支款 draw money from the finance sectionⅢ量词1.(用于队伍等) 一支军队 a contingent of troops; 一支游击支队 a guerrilla detachment2.(用于歌曲或乐曲) 唱支山歌 sing a folk song; 一支钢琴协奏曲 a piano concerto3.(用于电灯的光度) 五十支烛光 fifty candlepower; 六十支光的灯泡 a 60-watt bulb4.(用于细长物) 一支毛笔 a writing brush; 一支蜡烛 a candle5.[纺织] (纱线粗细程度的计算单位) count: 100 支纱 100-count yarn; 粗支纱 coarse yarn
  • "副" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(辅助的职务; 担任辅助职务的人) assistant 大副 first assistant on ship2.(姓氏) a surname 副通 fu tongⅡ动词(符合) fit; correspond to 名副其实 reputation corresponds to realityⅢ形容词1.(居第二位的; 辅助的) second in office; deputy; vice- 副主席 vice-chairman; 副总理 vice-premier; 副部长 vice-minister; 副董事长 vice-president; 副经理 deputy manager; 副市长 deputy mayor; 副秘书长 deputy secretary-general; 副主任 deputy director; 副司令员 assistant commanding officer [commandant]; 副书记 deputy secretary; 副领事 vice-consul;2.(附带的) auxiliary; subsidiary 副产品 by-products; 副作用 side effectⅣ量词1.(用于成套物) 一副眼镜 a pair of glasses2.(用于面部表情) 一副笑脸 a smiling face; 一副严肃的面孔 a solemn look
  • "座" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(坐位) seat; place 汽车的前后座 the front or back seat of a car; 就座 take one's place [seat]2.(放在器物底下垫着的东西) base; stand; pedestal 盆座 pot stand; 阀座 valve base; 支座 pedestal for a body3.[天文学] (星座) constellation 大熊座 the great bear; 天琴座 lyraⅡ量词(多用于较大或固定的物体) 一座桥 a bridge; 两座塔 two pagodas; 几座小山 several hills
  • "件" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ量词(用于个体事物) piece; article; item 三件行李 three pieces of luggage; 一件衬衫 a shirt; 一件工作 a piece of work; a job; 一件事 a matter; a thingⅡ名词1.(指可以一一计算的事物) 案件 (law) case; 锻件 forged piece; forging; 工件 workpiece2.(文件) letter; correspondence; paper; document 急件 urgent document or dispatch; 来件 a communication, document, etc. received; 密件 confidential [classified] documents; secret papers
  • "块" 英文翻译 :    名词(古时佩带的玉器) penannular jade ring (worn as an ornament in ancient china)
件,副,支,座,部,片,块的英文翻译,件,副,支,座,部,片,块英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译件,副,支,座,部,片,块,件,副,支,座,部,片,块的英文意思,件,副,支,座,部,片,塊的英文件,副,支,座,部,片,块 meaning in English件,副,支,座,部,片,塊的英文件,副,支,座,部,片,块怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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