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  • common danger
  • common peril
  • "共同"英文翻译    common
  • "危险"英文翻译    dangerous; perilous; risk; p ...
  • "认同危机" 英文翻译 :    identity crises; identity crisis
  • "身份认同危机" 英文翻译 :    identity crisis
  • "危险" 英文翻译 :    dangerous; perilous; risk; peril; danger 发出危险信号 send out a danger signal; 冒生命危险 at the risk of one's life; peril one's life; 脱离危险 out of danger; 在危险中 in danger of; in the time of peril; 走开, 否则发生危险自己负责! keep off at your peril! 有电, 危险 ! danger! electricity!; 危险地带 danger zone; 危险电压 dangerous voltage; 危险货物 dangerous goods; dangerous cargo; hazardous goods; 危险期 on the verge of death; critical days; 危险旗 powder-flag; 危险气体 hazardous gas; 危险区域 deathtrap; danger area; 危险人物 a dangerous person; a danger; 危险水位 [水文] flood stage; 危险系数 danger coefficient; 危险信号 danger signal; 危险性 danger; peril; 危险职业 dangerous occupation
  • "共同" 英文翻译 :    1.(属于大家的; 彼此都具有的) common 共同敌人 common enemy; 共同目标 common goal; 共同愿望 common wish; 共同关心的问题 matters of common concern; issues of common interest; 共同语言 common language; 有共同之处 have something in common2.(大家一起) together; jointly 共同生活 live together; collective life; 共同努力 make joint efforts; 共同战斗 fight side by side; 共同富裕 prosperity for all; become increasingly well off together; common prosperity; 共同行动 act in concert; 共同安全法 mutual security act; 共同安全计划 mutual security program; 共同安全署 mutual security agency (m.s.a.) (美国); 共同保险 co-insurance; coinsure; 共同被告 joint defendants; 共同边界 common boundary; 共同财产 community property; 共同财货 collective goods; 共同承兑人 co-acceptor; 共同储蓄银行 mutual savings banks; 共同担保 coinsurance; joint guarantee; 共同对敌 get united and oppose the enemy together; 共同对外关税 common external tariff; 共同犯罪 joint offense; fellowship on crime 共同分担债务 share concurrently and ratably; 共同负债 joint and several liabilities; 共同感觉 synesthesia; 共同纲领 common program;共同格[语言学] common case; 共同关税 common tariff; 共同海损 general average; 共同海损分摊 contribution to general average; 共同货币 common dollar; 共同基金 common fund; 共同继承 coinheritance; parcenary; 共同借款人 co-borrower; 共同农业政策 common agricultural policy; 共同配额 common quotas; 共同贫困 poverty for all; 共同商业政策 common commercial policy; 共同生产成本 joint cost of production; 共同生长 accrete; 共同市场 common market; 共同所有权 co-ownership; 共同所有权人 co-owner; 共同特性 denominator; 共同提案国 co-sponsor; 共同条令 [军事] common regulations of the armed forces; 共同投资 joint venture; 共同投资办企业 invest in joint ventures; 共同投资帐户 joint venture account; 共同需求 joint demand; 共同宣言 joint declaration; 共同义务 joint obligation; 共同意向 (数据库用) community view; 共同语言 common language; 共同原告 coplaintiff; 共同愿望 common aspiration; 共同责任 corporation responsibility; 共同债权 joint credit; 共同债务 common obligation; joint debt; 共同债务人 co-obligor; 共同帐户 common accout; joint account; 共同租赁 tenancy in common
  • "认同危机,认同转折点,身份转变" 英文翻译 :    identify crisis
  • "危险;危险事物" 英文翻译 :    danger
  • "危险危险货" 英文翻译 :    danger
  • "危险危险物" 英文翻译 :    danger
  • "次危险" 英文翻译 :    subsidiary risk
  • "低危险" 英文翻译 :    low risk
  • "高危险" 英文翻译 :    high risk
  • "冒……危险" 英文翻译 :    at the risk of
  • "使危险" 英文翻译 :    endanger; risk
  • "太危险" 英文翻译 :    she's so dangerous; too dangerous
  • "危害;危险" 英文翻译 :    hazard
  • "危险,(水芸)" 英文翻译 :    loverttt
  • "危险,冒险" 英文翻译 :    risk
  • "危险,危害" 英文翻译 :    hazard
  • "危险带" 英文翻译 :    danger zone; dangerous band
  • "危险的" 英文翻译 :    adventurous; danger---dangerous; grave; haz = hazardous; jeopardous; near; parlous; perilous; precarious; risky a. full of danger; rummy; serious; threatening; touchandgo; treacherous; unsafe
  • "危险地" 英文翻译 :    hazardously; jeopardously; uncannily
  • "危险点" 英文翻译 :    danger point; dangerous point; hazard point; peril point
  • "危险度" 英文翻译 :    degree of risk; risk factor; risk level


  • Inquiry into problems related to the joint dangerous act
  • On legal liability of joint act of danger
  • Some issues on joint dangerous act
  • In generally , each tortfeasors has same faults and equal responsibilities in joint dangers
  • Joint obligation holds an important position in the obligation with several creditors or several debtors
  • Simultaneously this paper places emphasis on studying the joint dangerous act , no - will - contact joint tort and aiding and abetting act
  • And then , to analyze the constituent element of different types joint act of tort as common injury act and common dangerous act and injuring others in partnership
  • However , it ' s unknown whose action caused the damaged result . the system of joint dangerous act solutes the problem that who should be responsible for the damaged result
  • Subjectively , actors whose acts did n ' t cause the damaged result are faulty too . but all the actors have no meaning exchange . actors " faulty has many kinds of combinatorial mode
  • There are three factors for joint dangerous act : the actors " pluralism , all the actors have the dangerous acts and the damaged result is caused by one or more actors who are unknown
  • 更多例句:  1  2
共同危险的英文翻译,共同危险英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译共同危险,共同危险的英文意思,共同危險的英文共同危险 meaning in English共同危險的英文共同危险怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。