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  • joint plaintiff
  • "共同"英文翻译    common
  • "原告"英文翻译    plaintiff; complainant; dema ...
  • "共同原因" 英文翻译 :    common cause
  • "原告" 英文翻译 :    [法律]1.(民事的) plaintiff; complainant; demandant: a先生作原告的辩护人, b先生作被告的辩护人。 mr. a was counsel for the plaintiff, and mr. b for the defendant.2.(刑事的) prosecutor; accuser 原告控告被告犯有欺诈罪。 the prosecutor accused the defendant of fraud.; 原告 (的)诉状 libel; 原告人 plaintiff; prosecutor; 原告证人 witness for the prosecutor
  • "国家统一共同原则及其光辉体现" 英文翻译 :    common reunification principle of the nation and their brilliant embodiment
  • "同原的" 英文翻译 :    homoblastic
  • "同原子" 英文翻译 :    homoatomic
  • "女原告" 英文翻译 :    feme plaintiff
  • "原告人" 英文翻译 :    plaintiff
  • "等同原则" 英文翻译 :    doctrine of equivalents
  • "等同原则下" 英文翻译 :    equi-average principle
  • "同原多倍体" 英文翻译 :    autopolyploid
  • "同原染色体" 英文翻译 :    chromosomes; homologous chromosome
  • "同原性冲动" 英文翻译 :    homogenetic impulse
  • "同原子的" 英文翻译 :    homoatomic
  • "同原子链" 英文翻译 :    homoatomic chain
  • "共同" 英文翻译 :    1.(属于大家的; 彼此都具有的) common 共同敌人 common enemy; 共同目标 common goal; 共同愿望 common wish; 共同关心的问题 matters of common concern; issues of common interest; 共同语言 common language; 有共同之处 have something in common2.(大家一起) together; jointly 共同生活 live together; collective life; 共同努力 make joint efforts; 共同战斗 fight side by side; 共同富裕 prosperity for all; become increasingly well off together; common prosperity; 共同行动 act in concert; 共同安全法 mutual security act; 共同安全计划 mutual security program; 共同安全署 mutual security agency (m.s.a.) (美国); 共同保险 co-insurance; coinsure; 共同被告 joint defendants; 共同边界 common boundary; 共同财产 community property; 共同财货 collective goods; 共同承兑人 co-acceptor; 共同储蓄银行 mutual savings banks; 共同担保 coinsurance; joint guarantee; 共同对敌 get united and oppose the enemy together; 共同对外关税 common external tariff; 共同犯罪 joint offense; fellowship on crime 共同分担债务 share concurrently and ratably; 共同负债 joint and several liabilities; 共同感觉 synesthesia; 共同纲领 common program;共同格[语言学] common case; 共同关税 common tariff; 共同海损 general average; 共同海损分摊 contribution to general average; 共同货币 common dollar; 共同基金 common fund; 共同继承 coinheritance; parcenary; 共同借款人 co-borrower; 共同农业政策 common agricultural policy; 共同配额 common quotas; 共同贫困 poverty for all; 共同商业政策 common commercial policy; 共同生产成本 joint cost of production; 共同生长 accrete; 共同市场 common market; 共同所有权 co-ownership; 共同所有权人 co-owner; 共同特性 denominator; 共同提案国 co-sponsor; 共同条令 [军事] common regulations of the armed forces; 共同投资 joint venture; 共同投资办企业 invest in joint ventures; 共同投资帐户 joint venture account; 共同需求 joint demand; 共同宣言 joint declaration; 共同义务 joint obligation; 共同意向 (数据库用) community view; 共同语言 common language; 共同原告 coplaintiff; 共同愿望 common aspiration; 共同责任 corporation responsibility; 共同债权 joint credit; 共同债务 common obligation; joint debt; 共同债务人 co-obligor; 共同帐户 common accout; joint account; 共同租赁 tenancy in common
  • "极端趋同原理" 英文翻译 :    principle of extreme convergence
  • "同原性血生成" 英文翻译 :    homoplastic hemopoiesis
  • "同原转化突变" 英文翻译 :    honeostic mutation
  • "法官和原告" 英文翻译 :    the judge and the plaintiff
  • "假设的原告" 英文翻译 :    fictitious plaintiff
  • "民事原告" 英文翻译 :    civil plaintiff
  • "名义上原告" 英文翻译 :    nominal plaintiff
  • "名义原告" 英文翻译 :    nominal plaintiff


  • As regards civil public good , it should not merely follow the universal law of civil action , has its some one ' s own characteristics too . such as encroaching subjects have the " spreading nature " , " group quality " of interests . the plaintiff and infringement consequence do not have direct stake quality , the plaintiffs uncertainty and the defendant ' s determinacy
    就民事公益诉讼而言,不仅要遵循民事诉讼的一般规律,也有其自身的一些特征,如侵窖主体大多具有“集团性”和被侵害利益的“扩散性” 、原告与侵害后果无直接利害关系性、原告的不确性和被告的确定性、带有起诉的前置条件如提请特定的国家机关或组织为共同原告等以体现国家干预性、以及诉讼裁判既判力的扩张性、诉讼功能的预防性、原告胜诉后可获得奖励等特征。


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