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  • jungar
  • zungaria


  • Research on desulphurization and deashing of zhungeer coal
  • Innermongolia shenghua zhungeer energy co . , ltd
  • Study and the relevant treatment measures of coal dust in the coal preparation plant of junger opencast mine
  • A study on medical service needed and health care utilization in zhungeer county of inner mongolia
  • Analysis of the rainwater catchments engineering investment and benefit in inner mongolia zhun ge ' er county
  • Ningmeng course of yellow river enters a country from ningxia center zhongwe county nan changtan , and in the zhungeer ma zhaxiang of inner mongolia leaves the country , and passes through 25 citys and the county , and the distance travelled by a stream of water 1203 . 8km , deducts the section 239 . 8km in gorge river and a reservoir area section 94 . 5km , administers segment length 869 . 5km in river
    黄河宁蒙河段从宁夏中卫县南长滩入境,于内蒙古准格尔旗马栅乡出境,穿越25个市、县(旗、区) ,流程1203 . 8km ,扣除峡谷河段239 . 8km 、库区段94 . 5km ,治理河段长869 . 5km 。
  • The positive load take absolutely advantage in the first spatial pattern of year and seasons . especially that the precipitation field load of winter is all positive . not in the southwest of china because of southwest monsoon etc . system ; the characteristics of the second spatial pattern are that most of the area is taken up by positive load in year and four seasons , the west of talimu basin is the center of negative load of the year , spring and autumn vector fields ; east of zhungeer basin is the center of positive load of the third spatial pattern of year , spring , summer and winter , the center of negative load is often in east of chaidamu basin , but the distribution center of autumn is in east of zhungeer basin ; the distribution of the fourth spatial pattern is difficult to describe and forms several centers of positive and negative load ; several centers of positive and negative load also appear , the distribution of load fields of the fifth spatial pattern of year , spring and winter represents the situation of " + , - , + " from southeast to northwest ; the complexity of the sixth spatial pattern is more stonger than that of the fourth and the fifth spatial pattern , several centers of load fields of year and each season often appears inverse situation of the positive and the negative load . but the centers are still most in zhungeer basin , chaidamu basin and talimu basin
    第一空间型中,年和四季都是正荷载占据绝对优势,特别是冬季降水场皆为正值,只是西南地区由于受西南季风等系统的影响,表现为与其它地区的不同;第二空间型的特点如下:年和四季分布皆为正荷载占据大部分区域,负荷载中心年、春季和秋季分布中都是位于塔里木盆地西部地区;第三空间型正荷载高值中心除秋季外都是处在准格尔盆地以东地区,负荷载中心多在柴达木盆地以东地区,秋季却处于准格尔盆地以东地区;第四空间型分布就较复杂无章法可言,形成多处正负荷载中心;第五空间型特征是这样的,同样是多个荷载中心出现,年、春季和冬季中的荷载场分布从东南到西北大体呈现“ + 、 - 、 + ”的特点;第六空间型分布的复杂程度较之第四、第五空间型更大,年和各季分布比较中多个荷载中心常出现正负相反的情况,但中心仍以柴达木盆地、准格尔盆地和塔里木盆地为主。
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