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  • sand fracturing
  • sandfrac


  • The result is that this gas pool has simple structure , only forms a little nose - like structure at the district of fenghuangshan ; this pool belongs to delta front sub - facies sedimentary model , the underwater distributary channel and mouth bar is the better sedimentary microfacies ; the physical property of the reservoir is poor , the type of pore of the reservoir rock mostly are intergranular pore , intergranular solution hole and little are intercrystalline micropore ; the influential factors of pore structure and physical property are lithofacies , lithologic character and diagenesis ; the off - take potentia of all the testing well are deadly shortness , the wells have the worth of industrial recovery only under the condition of going through sand fracturing , and in the early of binging into production , the oil and sheath pressure drop rapidly , the production of the well drop rapidly
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