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音标:[ zhùzhàn ]  发音:  


  • 1.(协助作战) assist in fighting
    2.(助威) bolster sb.'s morale


  • Food was a central factor in america's helping to win the two world wars of the twentieth century .
  • Wow , cool , our gang will be with you then
  • The duke summoned his feudatories to aid him in war
  • Simultaneously they summon the ability which the monster beast helps in the fighting also are cannot be belittled
  • They tried to seek privileges and benefits in china for france by luring the chinese officials with mediating conflict and assisting in fighting
  • Preserve his army ; put weapons of brass in the hands that wage war in thy name , and gird them about with strength for the battle . take thou the lance and shield , and rise up to succour us , and put to shame and to confusion them that devise evil against us , and let them be scattered before the face of thy faithful armament like dust before the wind ; and may thy mighty angel put them to flight and to confusion . and let the net ensnare them when they wot not of it , and their plots that they have hatched in secret be turned against them


  • 助战的泰文
  • 助战的日语:(1)戦闘に協力する. (2)等同于(请查阅) zhùwēi 【助威】
  • 助战的韩语:[동사] (1)전쟁[싸움]을 돕다. (2)☞[助威]
  • 助战的俄语:pinyin:zhùzhàn 1) оказывать поддержку в военных действиях 2) подбадривать, поднимать дух
  • 助战什么意思:zhù zhàn ①协助作战。 ②助威。
助战的英文翻译,助战英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译助战,助战的英文意思,助戰的英文助战 meaning in English助戰的英文助战怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。