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  • kitauchi


  • The tournaments will be held in the northern nevada area
  • After design the plans , the paper bring forward the step of construct stock system of every fittings and service center
  • This paper has described the history and actualities of the beinei group corp . and its every fittings and service center
  • Therefore the paper find out the way to solve the problem - establishes stock system of the beinei group corp ' s every fittings and service center . according to the reformation of state - owned enterprise and < < corp
    论文根据我国国有企业的改革实践及《公司法》 ,提出了北内集团总公司全国各配件服务中心进行股份制改造的方案和步骤。
  • Aim at these problems , the paper analyze the problems by combine some theory and means , such as property right theory , agency cost theory , administration structure and running mechanism of stock system , boston matrix means , the basis conception and characteristic of stock system and so on
    针对这些问题,本文结合了产权理论、代理成本理论、股份制企业的治理结构与运行机制、波斯顿矩阵法以及股份制的基本概念和特征等理论和方法进行分析,进而找出解决北内集团总公司各配件服务中心问题的方法? ?对北内集团总公司全国各配件服务中心进行股份制改造。
  • Law > > , this paper bring forward the plans and steps to establishes stock system of the beinei group corp ' s every fittings and service center . in the plans of stock system construction of every fittings and service center , the paper design the following plans such as the aim and feasibility of stock system construction , the formation of enterprise ' s property , the scale of capital and dept , the scale and the structure of capital stock , the administration structure and running mechanism of every fittings and service center . at the same time , the paper bring forward and design the plans such as whole member of every fittings and service center hold the share , carry out executive stock option ( eso ) to inspirit and restrict the managers , stopping the length of service by compensate to replace the status of employee in the plans , especially about the structure of share , the paper makes the equilibrium of share . it is to hold the beinei group corp . ' s share by its 3 underling units
  • At one time , it is a way for state - owned enterprise to solve the problem of history . beinei group corp . is a large state - owned enterprise in beijing city . its underling 11 fittings and service centers are sell and service network of beinei group corp . they were not adapt the development of market economy and itself . it need alteration themselves to advance every fittings and service center ' s market competition and development
  • Then the paper finds out where the problems of every fittings and service center are : the state - owned capital ' s value wasnt keep and increased , property right wasnt clear , the administration structure and running mechanism wasnt reasonable , the manager ' s encourage and restriction was lacked , the production combination was n ' t reasonable
  • In this way , the paper design the plans of construct the stock system of beinei group corp . ' s every fittings and service center . then the paper obtains the objective that solve the problems of every fittings and service center ' s system and administration , and that reforms the sell and service network of beinei group corp . by capital


  • 北内什么意思:唐朝 国都 长安 内的皇城。 宫城在北, 故名。    ▶ 五代 齐己 《荆渚寄怀西蜀无染大师兄》诗: “圣主降情延北内, 诸侯稽首问南禅。”    ▶ 唐 刘兼 《寄长安郑员外》诗: “乘醉几同游北内, 寻芳多共谒东邻。”    ▶ 《新唐书‧朱泚传》: “ 浑瑊 以数十骑自夹城入北内, 裒兵欲击贼, 闻乘舆出, 遂奔 奉...
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