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  • two plane balancing
  • two-plane balancing
  • "双面"英文翻译    two-sided; double-edged; dou ...
  • "平衡"英文翻译    balance; equilibrium
  • "表面平衡" 英文翻译 :    surface balance
  • "操纵面平衡" 英文翻译 :    control surface balance
  • "单面平衡" 英文翻译 :    single plane balancing
  • "单面平衡机" 英文翻译 :    single plane (statibalancing machine; single-plane balancing machine
  • "多面平衡" 英文翻译 :    multi plane balancing; multi-plane balancing,
  • "多平面平衡" 英文翻译 :    multi-plane balancing
  • "舵面平衡比" 英文翻译 :    balance ratio
  • "局面平衡" 英文翻译 :    equilibrium of position; equilibrium of the position
  • "两平面平衡" 英文翻译 :    two-plane-balancing
  • "承压平面平衡" 英文翻译 :    parting surface support balance
  • "单面平衡试验" 英文翻译 :    single-plane balance test
  • "多平面平衡法" 英文翻译 :    multi plane balancing
  • "全面平衡体系" 英文翻译 :    general equilibrium system
  • "动(双面)平衡" 英文翻译 :    dynamic(two-plane)balancing
  • "动(双面)平衡机" 英文翻译 :    dynamic(two-plane)balancing machine
  • "水面平衡蒸汽压" 英文翻译 :    water surface equilibrium vapor pressure
  • "单阀碟双面平行密封闸阀" 英文翻译 :    parallel single disk gate ale; parallel single disk gate valve
  • "双层平纹组织,双面平纹组织" 英文翻译 :    double plain
  • "双面" 英文翻译 :    two-sided; double-edged; double-faced; reversible 双面刀片 a double-edged razor blade; 双面粗花呢 reversible homespun; 双面锉刀 double-ender; 双面缎纹呢 japilline; 双面法兰绒 shaker flannel; 双面复制页 duopage; 双面横棱缎 peau de soie; 双面厚绒布 domet; domett flannel; 双面滑动 two face sliding; 双面加热 sandwich heating; 双面胶印机 offset perfector; 双面金属化纸 double-sided metallized paper; 双面绢网印花机 duplex screen printing machine; 双面盲文印刷 interpoint; 双面模板 match plate; 双面绒布 beaver; 双面绒棉毯 felted flannel; 双面软(磁)盘 two-sided flexible disk; 双面搪瓷 counterenamel; 双面提花(无绒头)地毯 ingrain carpet; 双面涂布 double spread; 双面纬向棱纹毛呢 biarritz; 双面无绒头地毯 [伊朗、土] khilim; kelim; ghileems; 双面相纸 duplex paper; 双面绣 double-faced embroidery; 双面摇纱机 double reeling frame; 双面印花 duplex printing; 双面印花丝府绸 helvetia; 双面印花织物 [刷] tapissendis; 双面印刷电路 circuitron; 双面印刷电路板 double-sided printed-circuit board; 双面印刷机 perfecting press; perfector; 双面印制板 double-clad board; 双面印制线路板 double side printed wiring board; 双面帐户 two-way account; 双面针迹 duplicate stitch; 双面针织物 double jersey; 双面整理 full-finish; 双面织物 reversible cloth; reversible; 双面装修 double measure
  • "厚边混凝土路面平衡横断面" 英文翻译 :    balance dconstruction
  • "面平面" 英文翻译 :    facial plane
  • "平衡" 英文翻译 :    balance; equilibrium 保持平衡 maintain one's equilibrium; keep one's balance; 发展不平衡 unbalanced development; uneven development; 平衡的全面发展规划 balanced overall development planning; 平衡工业发展布局 even out the distribution of industry; 供求平衡 equilibrium of supply and demand; 破坏心理上的平衡 upset one's equilibrium; 玩弄平衡 play the game of balancing between...; 稳定平衡 stable equilibrium; 失去平衡 lose one's balance; be in a state of imbalance; 收支平衡 balance between income and expenditure; 在大国之间搞平衡 balance between big powers; 平衡臂 balance bob; counter weight arm; 平衡变换器 balance converter; 平衡常数 equilibrium constant; 平衡传输 balanced transmission; 平衡电路 balanced circuit; balancing circuit; building-out circuit; 平衡舵 rudder balance; 平衡发展 balanced development; even growth; 平衡阀 [机械工程] balanced valve; compensation valve; holding valve; counterbalance valve; 平衡法 balancing method; balanced method; 平衡汇率 equilibrium rate of exchange; 平衡价格 equilibrium price; equation price; 平衡觉 sense of equilibrium; 平衡木 [体育] balance beam; 平衡膳食 [卫] balanced diet; 平衡调节 balance adjustment; 平衡调整 balance control; balance adjustment; 平衡预算 balanced budget; 平衡增长 balanced growth; 平衡中心 centre of equilibrium
  • "半面平版" 英文翻译 :    forme cutting


  • Dynamic two - plane balancing machine
  • Dynamic two - plane balancing
  • Vibration equation of two - plane balancing rotor is derived . non - linear error of bearing support of hard bearing balancing machine is analysed and relation curve is presented
  • Experiments prove this balancing machine is easy to be operated with comparatively higher balance quality and can meet practical requirment of two - plane balancing measuring . consequently , this machine has better practical value and market foreground
  • ( 5 ) the dissertation improves the coordinates shift strategy for 1 - plane automatic balance , and then studies the shift optimization strategy for 2 - plane . the quick balance strategy for 1 - plane is brought forth based on the influencing coefficient method , and idea is further spread to 2 - plane automatic balance
    ( 5 )改进了单个校正面的坐标轮换策略,研究了双面自动平衡的轮换寻优法;提出了基于影响系数法的快速单面平衡策略,并将此法推广到双面平衡
双面平衡的英文翻译,双面平衡英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译双面平衡,双面平衡的英文意思,雙面平衡的英文双面平衡 meaning in English雙面平衡的英文双面平衡怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。