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  • furuwatari
  • futto
  • kowatari


  • A study of ancient ferries on the huang river in the northwest
  • A study of ancient ferries on the yellow river in the northwest
  • This is yangzhou ' s waterway entrance , gua zhou gu du
  • There are also the scenic attractions of " rainbow reflection at south bridge " , " wooden dragon ferry " , " old man stand high " , " six caves in yin mountain " , " buddha carvings in western hill " , " taohua river embracing green " , " moon reflection at floral bridge " , " crimson clouds at camel peak " , " stele forest in guihai " , " the tomb of king of jingjiang " , " watching tides at yao mountain " , " hanging moon , over chuan mountain " , " exquisite reflection of pagoda mountain " , " jade screen at south creek " and " water mansion at guanyan cave .
  • Visitors can then head north to experience the death - slide over the tongjiang along the bank of the lancang river and continue on to cizhong church , then to yongzhi , nagu , and the ruins of the cemetery of stone coffins , then to the yezhisheng cave , and on to the samagong nature reserve , from which one can easily reach the cultural ruins of the new stone age in geden , the damo ancestor s cave , wujingcongshui solution cave , the ruins of the east twon of tufantieqiao , the stone gate pass , cock s stone , wuzhu dragon pool and the first bend of the yangtze


  • 古渡的韩语:[명사]【문어】 옛날의 나루터.
  • 古渡的俄语:старая переправа
  • 古渡什么意思:古老的渡口。    ▶ 唐 戴叔伦 《京口怀古》诗: “ 大江 横万里, 古渡渺千秋。”    ▶ 《水浒传》第四四回: “古渡凄凉, 那得奚人饮马。”    ▶ 清 袁于令 《西楼记‧空泊》: “曲塘西断桥烟冷, 垂杨下古渡月明。”
古渡的英文翻译,古渡英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译古渡,古渡的英文意思,古渡的英文古渡 meaning in English古渡的英文古渡怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。