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音标:[ shènglín ]  发音:  


  • the sacred wood


  • The good abbot of holywood is a strong pillar to the weak .
  • "make not a sign. i do beseech you," said the voice, "but of your charity tell me the straight way to holy wood. "
  • In 1920, eliot published a volume of essays entitled the sacred wood, which included the famous piece on "tradition and the individual talent" .
  • " make not a sign . i do beseech you , " said the voice , " but of your charity tell me the straight way to holy wood .
    “请你千万别露声色, ”那声音说, “我只能求你慷慨地告诉我到圣林修道院的去路就行了。 ”


  • 圣林的俄语:pinyin:shènglín 1) Священная роща (родовое кладбище рода Кун с могилой Конфуция, в уезде Цюйфу пров. Шаньдун) 2) Голливуд
  • 圣林什么意思:即 孔林 。 指 孔子 及其后裔的陵园。    ▶ 金 孔元措 《祖庭广记‧林中古迹》: “ 真宗 幸圣林, 以林木拥道, 降舆乘马, 至先圣坟释奠, 再拜。”参见“ 孔林 ”。
圣林的英文翻译,圣林英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译圣林,圣林的英文意思,圣林的英文圣林 meaning in English圣林的英文圣林怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。