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  • cyprus


  • Cyprus , a european union member since 2004 , is clamping down on illegal migration from neighbouring countries , particularly those rimming it in the middle east
  • Today the zurna still exists as a folk instrument used mainly in festive village music in islamic areas , as well as greece , cyprus , and armenia
  • He shared ri ' s initiatives in china ( two clubs to be chartered ) , the rotary handshake between turkey and cypress and recent rotary inroads in cuba
    他分享了在中国的国际扶轮运动(两个临时扶轮社将要被授证) ,扶轮于土耳其与塞普勒斯居间促成握手言和以及最近扶轮于古巴的进展。
  • Please find attach li ' s visa approval . she must have when she go to cyprus the original police clearance , original certificates as cook & letter of recommendation
  • Women as far afield as alaska have contributed bras , including betty boothroyd , britain ' s first female speaker of the house of commons and a regular visitor to the holiday island
  • Women on the mediterranean island of cyprus hope to form the world ' s longest chain of bras with the twin aims of heightening awareness of breast cancer and winning a place in the guinness book of records
    居住在地中海塞普勒斯岛上的妇女们将用10万只胸罩组成世界上最长的“胸罩链” ,希望用这种方式能引起人们对乳腺癌的警示,并创造出新的吉尼斯世界记录。
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