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  • chailly
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  • Shiloh , whose name in hebrew means " the peaceful one "
    夏伊洛在希伯莱语中的意思是“和平” 。
  • Mr . mccarter , it ' s dr . shiloh
  • The news came in weeks after jolie had denied allegations that she slept with pitt when he was married to aniston
  • In the last week of december reports were out that ansiton was ready to meet jolie - pitt and their 7 - month - old daughter shiloh face to face
  • Third on the list is namibia , where the tomb raider star gave birth to her ten - month - old biological daughter , shiloh , whose name in hebrew means " the peaceful one "
    第三行是这位古墓丽影的女主角的亲生女儿- 10个月大的夏伊洛的出生国纳米比亚的座标。
  • Next are the coordinates pertaining to ethiopia , the country from which miss jolie plucked two - year - old zahara . third on the list is namibia , where the tomb raider star gave birth to her ten - month - old
    第三行是这位古墓丽影的女主角的亲生女儿- 10个月大的夏伊洛的出生国纳米比亚的座标。
  • Third on the list is namibia , where the tomb raider star gave birth to her ten - month - old biological daughter , shiloh , whose name in hebrew means " the peaceful one "
    第三行是这位《古墓丽影》的女主角的亲生女儿- - 10个月大的夏伊洛的出生国纳米比亚的座标。夏伊洛在希伯莱语中的意思是“和平” 。
夏伊的英文翻译,夏伊英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译夏伊,夏伊的英文意思,夏伊的英文夏伊 meaning in English夏伊的英文夏伊怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。