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  • princess


  • The princess of luguo and the taoist temple dong yue miao
  • Meidefang mansion bestowed to princess dachang < > princess dachang and her son qian chen moved to taizhou during shaoxing reign of southern song dynasty . song emperor gaozong issued an edict of bestowing meidefang mansion to the probably located on the east side of the present taizhou junior high school
    秦鲁国大长公主赐第美德坊< >秦鲁国大长公主与其子钱忱于南宋绍兴间徙居台州,宋高宗下旨赐第美德坊,坊址大略在今台州初级中学东侧一带。
  • Lingwai village ? ? dwelling place of mr . qian < > it was originally called lingwaiqian village and is over 30km away to the east of linhai city . it was here that qian liu and his descendants once lived . mr . qian ' s arched iron plate was kept in here for a long time in history
    钱氏聚落岭外村< >岭外村旧称里外钱村,在临海城东约十五公里处,是秦鲁大长公主携其子荣国公钱忱定居台州以后,钱氏子孙聚居的一个村落,历史上钱氏铁券曾长时期被保存在这里。


  • 大长公主的韩语:[명사]【문어】 천자(天子)의 고모.
  • 大长公主什么意思:汉 制, 皇帝之姑称大长公主。 后为帝姑的封号。    ▶ 《史记‧卫将军骠骑列传》: “皇后, 堂邑大长公主 女也。”    ▶ 张守节 正义引 文颖 云: “ 陈皇后 , 武帝 姑女也。”    ▶ 《新唐书‧同安公主传》: “ 同安公主 , 高祖 同母媦也。 下嫁 隋州 刺史 王裕 。    ▶ ...
大长公主的英文翻译,大长公主英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译大长公主,大长公主的英文意思,大長公主的英文大长公主 meaning in English大長公主的英文大长公主怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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