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  • anhua


  • Yangjiaotang town of anhua county of yiyang city of hunan province
  • Discussion on development prospect of scgp coal gasification technology in anyang chemical industry co . ltd
  • The xiangjun bamboo floor without mote and tongue - and - groove , whose raw materials are selectfrom the high quality bamboo from taojiang and anhua which have five to eight life . through the science craft management , introduced the advanced bamboo floor specialized production equipment , the process through open the piece , steam and boil , carbonize , desiccate , take shape , coat with lacquer and so on several ten processings , the product has the characteristic of the high density , good elasticity anti - burnt , wear - resisting ; which does not crack and distort and so on the characteristic , maintained the bamboo clear and bright li outward appearance texture , the sense of reality exquisite is gentle , warm in winter and cool in summer , which is accepted deeply and high praised by domestic and foreign customers
  • The xiangjun bamboo floor without mote and tongue - and - groove , whose raw materials are selectfrom the high quality bamboo from taojiang and anhua which have five to eight life . through the science craft management , introduced the advanced bamboo floor specialized production equipment , the process through open the piece , steam and boil , carbonize , desiccate , take shape , coat with lacquer and so on several 20 processings , the product has the characteristic of the high density , good elasticity anti - burnt , wear - resisting ; which does not crack and distort and so on the characteristic , maintained the bamboo clear and bright li outward appearance texture , the sense of reality exquisite is gentle , warm in winter and cool in summer , which is accepted deeply and high praised by domestic and foreign customers
  • But in contrast of the research of chemical weathering of other rocks , such as granites and basalts , the research of chemical weathering of black shales both in width and depth still remains much to advance . after reading and investigating widely , we selected lower - cambrian black shales and their weathering profiles in hunan province as research objects of our work at first . then , based on field investigation of weathering status of lower - cambrian black shales and it ' s relationship with soil composition and human activities in hunan , we studied changes of chemical composition such as major and trace elements before and after weathering of black shales by comparison
    根据文献阅读和野外调查,本文选择了湖南安化、桃江、望城等地下寒武统黑色页岩及有关风化剖面作为研究对象,并在查明湖南下寒武统黑色页岩的风化现状及其与土壤组成、人类活动的关系的基础上,对比研究了黑色页岩风化前后主量和微量元素等化学组成的变化,探讨了元素的富集和迁移转化机制以及黑色页岩风化与区域环境质量的关系,得出了如下几点主要成果和认识: ( 1 ) ti是黑色页岩风化过程中的“不活动”元素,可作为参照元素,对其它元素的活动性进行质量平衡计算。


  • 安化什么意思:唐置安化县,历代为庆州、庆阳府治所。民国改庆阳。
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