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  • average quantity


  • The average nyse bargain has fallen to 400 shares , although the average institutional trade is 250 , 000 shares
  • The average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime - fell to an all - time low of 1 . 25 last year
    去年,日本的生育率一个妇女一生中所生孩子的平均数量下降至历史最低点,只有1 . 25 。
  • Japan ' s fertility rate - the average number of children a woman bears in her time - fell to an all - time low of 1 . 25 last year
    去年,日本的生育率一个妇女一生中所生孩子的平均数量下降至历史最低点,只有1 . 25 。
  • Japan ' s fertility rate - - the average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime - - fell to an all - time low of 1 . 25 last year
    去年,日本的生育率(一个妇女一生中所生孩子的平均数量)下降至历史最低点,只有1 . 25 。
  • The survey comes amid concerns over japan ' s faltering birthrate , which fell in 2005 to a record low of 1 . 26 births in an average woman ' s lifetime
    2005年,日本的生育率普通女性一生中所生孩子的平均数量跌至历史最低点,只有1 . 26 。
  • The survey comes amid government concerns over japan ' s faltering birthrate , which fell in 2005 to a record low of 1 . 26 births in an average woman ' s time
    2005年,日本的生育率普通女性一生中所生孩子的平均数量跌至历史最低点,只有1 . 26 。


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