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  • Ⅰ名词
    1.(欺诈蒙骗、图占便宜的行为) abuse; corrupt practice; fraud; malpractice
    2.(害处;毛病) disadvantage; harm; irregularities; shortcomings
  • "弊病" 英文翻译 :    1.(弊端) malady; evil; malpractice 社会弊病 social evils2.(事情上的毛病) drawback; disadvantage 这种做法弊病不少。 this method has quite a few drawbacks
  • "敝屣尊荣" 英文翻译 :    turn one's back on worldly honours
  • "弊车驽马" 英文翻译 :    a decrepit cart drawn by a lean horse (descriptive of thriftiness)
  • "敝屣虚荣" 英文翻译 :    cast away vanity like a pair of worn-out shoes; despise vanity
  • "弊端" 英文翻译 :    malpractice; abuse; corrupt practice; disadvantage; evil; defects; drawbacks
  • "敝屣" 英文翻译 :    [书面语] worn-out shoes; a worthless thing 弃之如敝屣 cast away like a pair of worn-out shoes
  • "弊端百出" 英文翻译 :    trouble after trouble comes up [arises]
  • "敝帚自珍" 英文翻译 :    value one's own old broomstick -- one loves what is his own; all his geese are swans.; cherish something of little value simply because it is one's own; everything is nice in one's own garden.; have too high an opinion of one's own doings or one's own belongings; treasure one's own things
  • "弊端丛生" 英文翻译 :    all kinds of corrupt practices prevailing; all kinds of corruption creep in
  • "敝友" 英文翻译 :    my friend


  • This measure will do more good than harm .
  • He himself was a bad commander, a boaster and ruffian .
  • It was excellent drill for their memories a harmless amusement .
  • In future we shall drop the adjective "geometrical" when there is no risk of confusion .
  • To offer the driver data which he neither wants nor needs would be more of a hindrance than a help .
  • It ' s not permitted to cheat at exam in this school
  • It is not allow to a harmful examination in school
  • High techno has advantages and disadvantages to us
  • But the new report says results have been mixed
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4  5


  • 弊的泰文
  • 弊的法语:名 1.fraude;abus;malversations舞~commettre des fraudes(des abus);se livrer à des malversations 2.inconvénient;désavantage有利有~.il y a(à la fois)des avantages et des inconvénients.
  • 弊的日语:(1)不正行為. 营yíng私舞弊/私腹を肥やすために不正を働く. 考试作弊/(試験で)カンニングをする. (2)(?利lì)弊害.欠点. 剔tī弊/弊害を取り除く. 兴xīng利除弊/有益なことを奨励し,有害なことを取り除く. 有利有弊/一利一害である. 弊多利少/弊害が多くて利点が少ない. 【熟語】积jī弊,利弊,流liú弊,私sī弊,宿sù弊 【成語】补bǔ偏piān救弊
  • 弊的韩语:(1)[명사] 부정행위. 营私舞弊; 사리(私利)를 꾀하고 나쁜 짓을 하다 作弊; 부정행위를 하다 =舞弊 (2)[명사] 폐해. 해(害). 兴利除弊; 이익을 흥하게 하고, 폐해를 없애다 有利无弊; 이익이 있고 해는 없다 (3)[형용사]【문어】 피곤하다. (4)[형용사]【홍콩방언】 나쁘다.
  • 弊的俄语:[bì] 1) вред, зло 弊多利少 [bì duō lì shǎo] — больше вреда, чем пользы 2) тк. в соч. злоупотребление • - 弊病 - 弊端
  • 弊的印尼文:kerusakan;
  • 弊什么意思:bì ㄅㄧˋ 1)欺蒙人的坏事:作~。营私舞~。 2)害处,与“利”相对:~病。~端。~害。~政。利~。兴利除~。 3)败,疲困。 4)古同“蔽”,隐蔽。 ·参考词汇: fraud harm ·参考词汇: 利 营私作弊 兴利除弊 百弊丛生 补偏救弊 为法自弊 欲益反弊 裘弊金尽 作法自弊 无私有弊 利弊 徇私作弊 弊端 通同作弊 世弊 除弊 遗簪弊屦 金尽裘弊 齿弊舌存 ...
弊的英文翻译,弊英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译弊,弊的英文意思,弊的英文弊 meaning in English弊的英文弊怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。