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音标:[ jífēngbàoyǔ ]  发音:  


  • violent storms; a strong gale and a torrential downpour; a sudden rainstorm; hurricane; tempest


  • This movement carried all before it like a hurricane .
  • Vows made in storms are forgotten in calms
  • In the growing path of baoli , product goal is a basic goal , all others are based on this basic goal . there are n ' t management breakthrough , you can get the production aim while you gain management object
  • Thus it is perhaps not as far - fetched as it sounds to suggest that the collision 160m years ago of two space rocks , albeit quite large ones , resulted in the stormy death almost 100m years later of the dinosaurs and many other species on earth
    因此, 1亿6千万年前的两块宇宙陨石的碰撞,虽然巨大无比,但却导致1亿年后地球上恐龙和其它物种的急风暴雨式的死亡,这一说法也许并不牵强。
  • In our third counter - campaign , although the storm was breaking all around us and we had made a detour of a thousand li , and although the enemy had discovered our plan to outflank him , we nevertheless exercised patience , turned back , changed our tactics to a breakthrough in the centre , and finally fought the first battle successfully at lientang


  • 急风暴雨的泰文
  • 急风暴雨的法语:vent impétueux et pluie battante;orage violent;tempête;ouraga
  • 急风暴雨的日语:〈成〉疾風豪雨.▼革命運動の激しさを形容することが多い. 这场运动如急风暴雨,势不可挡 dǎng /このたびの政治運動は疾風迅雷のごとく,その勢いには当たるべからざるものがある.
  • 急风暴雨的韩语:【성어】 사나운 비바람. 폭풍우. 정치적 격동.
  • 急风暴雨的俄语:pinyin:jífēngbàoyǔ порывистый ветер и проливной дождь; буря, ураган
  • 急风暴雨什么意思:jí fēng bào yǔ 【解释】形容风雨来势猛。比喻迅猛激烈的斗争。 【出处】《淮南子·兵略训》:“何谓隐之天?大寒甚暑,疾风暴雨,大雾冥晦,因此而为变者也。” 【示例】这个攻击的形势,简直是~,顺之者存,违之者灭。(毛泽东《湖南农民运动考察报告》) 【拼音码】jfby 【用法】联合式;作主语、宾语;形容声势浩大 【英文】hurricane
急风暴雨的英文翻译,急风暴雨英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译急风暴雨,急风暴雨的英文意思,急風暴雨的英文急风暴雨 meaning in English急風暴雨的英文急风暴雨怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。