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音标:[ bàobùpíng ]  发音:  


  • be outraged by an injustice (done to another person); feel injustice done to another and wish to help; indignant at injustice
  • "抱不平的" 英文翻译 :    aggrieved; disaffected; malcontent
  • "打抱不平" 英文翻译 :    take up the cudgels for the injured party; defend sb. against an injustice; take up the cudgels against the injustice done to sb.; champion the cause of justice; feel injustice done to another and wish to help; be the champion of the oppressed 你要是个男人, 出去打抱不平。 if you were a man, you could go out and right wrongs
  • "代抱不平" 英文翻译 :    take up the cudgel for another -- against injustice, wrong or injury
  • "为…打抱不平" 英文翻译 :    quarrel 1
  • "你要是个男人出去打抱不平" 英文翻译 :    if you were a man you could go out and right wrongs
  • "不平" 英文翻译 :    1.(不平坦) uneven; not level; not smooth 高低不平的路 an uneven road2.(不公平) injustice; unfairness; unjust; uneven; wrong3.(因不公平而气愤) indignant; resentful; grievance; complaint 愤愤不平 very indignant; deeply resentful; 消除心中的不平 allay one's resentment4.(因刀口钝造成的不平) fraze
  • "抱不良企图" 英文翻译 :    have designs against; have designs on
  • "拥抱不放" 英文翻译 :    keeholding on
  • "抱不切实际的想法" 英文翻译 :    get ideas into one's hand
  • "紧紧抱住, 死抱不放" 英文翻译 :    cling on to
  • "不满,不平" 英文翻译 :    dissatisfaction with/at; dissatisfaction with/at
  • "不平报" 英文翻译 :    asantosh
  • "不平常" 英文翻译 :    out of ordinary; remarkable; remarkably; unusual
  • "不平的" 英文翻译 :    asperous; bumpy; cobbly; craggy; discontent; grouchy; hummock; ragged; rough; uneven
  • "不平等" 英文翻译 :    imparity; inequality; odds; unequally
  • "不平地" 英文翻译 :    uneven ground
  • "不平度" 英文翻译 :    inequality; unevenness◇不平度测量 non-planeness measurement; 不平度仪 roughometer
  • "不平凡" 英文翻译 :    marvellously; out of the common
  • "不平服" 英文翻译 :    fullness or twisted of cuff; twisted or bulging
  • "不平衡" 英文翻译 :    out-off-balance; imbalance; lack of balance; non-equalizing; unbalance; disbalance; disequilibrium 工农业发展不平衡 the disequilibrium between the development of industry and agriculture; 不平衡变换 unbalanced transformation; 不平衡传输线 unbalanced line; 不平衡电流 unbalanced current; 不平衡电路 unbalanced circuit; 不平衡电桥 unbalanced bridge; 不平衡电容量测试器 capacity unbalance measuring set; 不平衡电压 unbalance voltage; 不平衡度[性] unbalance; 不平衡负载 unbalance load; 不平衡馈线 unbalanced feeder line; 不平衡力 unbalanced force; 不平衡力矩 unbalanced moment; 不平衡 -平衡变换装置 bazooka line balance; 不平衡三相电路 unbalanced three-phase circuit; 不平衡三相电压 unbalanced three-phase voltage; 不平衡三相负荷 unbalanced three-phase load; 不平衡输出 unbalanced output; 不平衡衰减 unsymmetry attenuation; 不平衡衰减器 unbalanced attenuator; 不平衡土壤 ill-balanced soil; 不平衡误差 unbalanced error; influence of unbalance; 不平衡线路 unbalanced line; 不平衡因数 unbalance factor; 不平衡系统 unbalanced system; 不平衡状态 non-equilibrium
  • "不平滑" 英文翻译 :    asperity; unsmooth
  • "不平静" 英文翻译 :    at loose ends; unquiet
  • "不平均" 英文翻译 :    inequality; overbalance; uneven
  • "不平路" 英文翻译 :    bumpy road
  • "抱病在家" 英文翻译 :    be ill and unable to leave one's chamber
  • "抱残守缺" 英文翻译 :    be an anachronism; be a stickler for ancient ways and things; cherish the outmoded [the old] and preserve the outworn -- to be conservative; cling to bygone values [dreams]; retain what is old and outworn; stick to (the remnants of) outmoded [outdated] ways [things] -- unwilling to accept new things; hang on to the outmoded


  • Resentful and rebellious
  • There , in order to help the people being bullied by the gansters , he had disputes with the gangsters again . .
    故事描述,傅声与黑帮结怨,遂伦渡到三藩? ,但又因抱不平而涉入黑帮恩怨中. .
  • It was graham poll whistling - up a challenge by john terry for a foot that looked no higher than his direct opponent that had aggrieved mourinho


  • 抱不平的泰文
  • 抱不平的法语:trouver injuste;s'indigner打~se battre contre l'injustice;redresser les torts
  • 抱不平的日语:義憤を抱く. 打抱不平/義憤に燃えて助太刀する. 他心里很替tì老刘Liú抱不平/彼は劉さんのために非常に義憤を感じた.
  • 抱不平的韩语:(1)불평[불만]을 품다. (2)의분을 느끼다. 替他抱不平; 그를 위해 의분을 느끼다 打抱不平; 약자를 돕다. 불의에 대하여 분개하다
  • 抱不平的俄语:[bào bùpíng] возмущаться несправедливостью 打抱不平 [dǎ bào bùpíng] — заступаться за несправедливо обиженных
  • 抱不平什么意思:bào bù píng 【解释】遇见不公平的事,挺身而出,帮助弱小的一方 【出处】清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第45回:“气的我只有替平儿打抱不平。” 【示例】他心里替她~ 【拼音码】bdbp 【用法】动宾式;作谓语、宾语;通常用于“打”后 【英文】be outraged by an injustice
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