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  • " i remember one chap , " said rhodes - fotheringham , a cigar of eager proportions in his ample hand , " whose name i cannot recall
    拉霍斯.佛斯林汉姆的大手里拿着根雪茄,说: “我记得有个人,他的名字我不记得了。
  • " get out of here ! " yelled rhodes - fotheringham in a tremendous , booming voice . " and do not return ! you are far from worthy of our company !
    “滚出去! ”拉霍斯.佛斯林汉姆大声地喊道: “你不配和我们呆在一起! ”
  • Rhodes - fotheringham ' s features became hidden in the midst of an awful - smelling cloud of cigar smoke , providing an eerie vision of his face , and at that moment i wondered whether he himself was a dreadful phantom
  • " by jove ! " exclaimed rhodes - fotheringham , with peculiar puffed cheeks . he appeared to be somewhat perturbed by blake ' s proclamation , and i noticed how agitated he became as his companion continued the tale
    “天呀! ”拉霍斯-佛斯林汉姆喊道。他脸上的肉松垮垮的,他像是被布莱克的话吓到了,我注意到当布莱克讲故事的时候,他变得越来越不安。
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