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音标:[ wénxuégémìng ]  发音:  


  • revolution in literature
  • "科学革命" 英文翻译 :    scientific revolution; technological revolution
  • "微电子学革命" 英文翻译 :    microelectronics revolution
  • "自然科学革命" 英文翻译 :    revolution in natural science
  • "科学革命的结构" 英文翻译 :    the structure of scientific revolutions
  • "文学与革命" 英文翻译 :    literature and revolution
  • "革命" 英文翻译 :    revolution; revolutionary 革命到底 carry the revolution through to the end; 革命干劲 revolutionary impetus; 革命气概 revolutionary spirit; 革命气节 revolutionary integrity; 革命热情 revolutionary fervour; 敢挑革命重担 dare to shoulder heavy responsibilities for the revolution; 革命加拼命 revolutionary enthusiasm plus death-defying spirit; 被压迫的人民纷纷起来革命。 the oppressed people are rising in revolution wave upon wave.; 革命暴力 revolutionary violence; 革命博物馆 revolutionary museum; 革命传统 revolutionary tradition; 革命导师 a teacher of the revolution; 革命道路 revolutionary road; 革命动力 motive force of revolution; 革命对象 targets of the revolution; 革命风格 revolutionary style; 革命歌曲 revolutionary song; 革命根据地 revolutionary base areas; 革命公墓 cemetery for revolutionaries; 革命家 revolutionary; revolutionist; 革命化 revolutionize; do sth. in a revolutionary way; make more revolutionary; 革命回忆录 reminiscences of earlier revolutionary times; 革命军 revolutionary army; 革命军人 revolutionary armyman; 革命浪漫主义 revolutionary romanticism; 革命乐观主义 revolutionary optimism; 革命理论 revolutionary theory; 革命烈士 revolutionary martyr; 革命领导权 revolutionary leadership; 革命领袖 revolutionary leader; 革命派 revolutionaries; 革命青年 revolutionary youth; 革命人道主义 revolutionary humanitarianism; 革命任务 task of revolution; 革命实践 revolutionary practice; 革命首创精神 the revolutionary pioneering spirit; 革命同盟军 revolutionary allied forces; 革命危机 revolutionary crisis; 革命委员会 revolutionary committee; 革命现实主义 revolutionary realism; 革命形势 revolutionary situation; 革命性 revolutionary nature; revolutionary character; 革命英雄主义 revolutionary heroism; 革命运动 revolutionary movement; 革命战争 revolutionary war; 革命者 revolutionary; 革命知识分子 revolutionary intellectual
  • "文学" 英文翻译 :    literature 文学艺术 literature and art; 教现代中国文学 teach modern chinese literature; 纯文学 polite letters; 民间文学 folk literature; 传记文学 biographical literature; 狄更斯的小说丰富了英国文学。 dickens' novels have enriched english literature.; 文学革命 revolution in literature; 文学家 writer; man of letters; literati; 文学界 literary circles; 文学流派 schools of literature; 文学批评 literary criticism; 文学社 wen hsueh sheh; literary association; 文学史 history of literature; 文学作品 literary works
  • "革命的,革命者" 英文翻译 :    revolutionary
  • "大革命" 英文翻译 :    1.(大规模革命) great revolution 法国大革命 the french revolution2.(特指中国第一次国内革命战争) the great rovolution in china (1924-1927)
  • "德革命" 英文翻译 :    german revolution
  • "俄革命" 英文翻译 :    russian revolution
  • "革命报" 英文翻译 :    al islah; al saoura; al thawrah; al thorah; as thawra; batwat; ehuzu; inkilab; inqilab; islah al; la revolucion; revolucao; revolucion la; revolution; saoura al; saura as; thawra al; thawrah al; thorah al; thorah, al
  • "革命城" 英文翻译 :    gemingcheng; madinat al-thawra
  • "革命党" 英文翻译 :    revolutionary political party◇革命党人 a member of a revolutionary party
  • "革命的" 英文翻译 :    red; revolutionary
  • "革命队" 英文翻译 :    new england revolution
  • "革命峰" 英文翻译 :    pik revolyitsi; revolyitsi pik
  • "革命化" 英文翻译 :    revolutionize
  • "革命家" 英文翻译 :    revolutionist; sadvipra; some revolutionary lives
  • "革命剑" 英文翻译 :    sword of revolution
  • "革命军" 英文翻译 :    farc; revolutionary army; s50-00019
  • "革命派" 英文翻译 :    revolutionaries
  • "革命日" 英文翻译 :    revolution day
  • "文学工作者" 英文翻译 :    person who does literary work eg as a writer or critic
  • "文学概论写作" 英文翻译 :    writing of literary compendium
  • "文学功底" 英文翻译 :    literary power


  • Fu sinian during the quot; may , 4th literary revolution quot
  • Analysis of the connotations of chen duxiu ' s theory of
  • Gong zizhen and the 20th century ' s revolution of literature
  • The may 4th literary revolution and western literature
  • On shifts from literature revolution to revolution literature
  • Jin yong ' s novels and literary revolution
  • Brief analysis of the reasons for literary revolution advocated by hushi
  • A discussion on the philosophical sense in literature revolution initiated by hu shi
  • Fu sinian during the
  • Rhetorical aspects and traces of development of the may 4th literary revolution
  • 更多例句:  1  2


  • 文学革命的泰文
  • 文学革命的日语:文学革命.五四運動前後に行われた文学上の革命運動.▼文語文に反対して白話文を提唱し,封建主義的な旧文学に反対し,白話文による新文学を提唱した.
  • 文学革命的韩语:[명사]〈역사〉 문학 혁명. [신해(辛亥)혁명 뒤 중국 문학 운동의 발단이 된 문화 운동으로서 1917년 호적(胡適)이 근대 문학의 창조를 위해서 대중이 쓰는 구어문인 백화문(白話文)을 쓸 것을 주장하여 잡지 신청년(新青年)에 ‘文学改良刍议’(문학 개량 추의)를 발표한 것이 발단이 됨. 이 운동은 더 나아가 문체의 개혁에 그치지 아니하고 문학의 형식과 내용...
  • 文学革命的俄语:pinyin:wénxuégémìng литературная революция (1919 г.)
  • 文学革命什么意思:wénxué gémìng 指我国1919年五四运动前后展开的反对旧文学、提倡新文学的运动。文学革命以反对文言文,提倡白话文为起点,进而反对以封建主义为内容的旧文学,提倡反帝反封建的新文学。
文学革命的英文翻译,文学革命英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译文学革命,文学革命的英文意思,文學革命的英文文学革命 meaning in English文學革命的英文文学革命怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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