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音标:[ wúsuǒbùwéi ]  发音:  


  • stop at nothing; as wicked as possible; commit all manner of crimes; do all kinds of bad things; do all manner of evil; do just as one pleases; go all [to all] lengths; go to any length; there is nothing which he does not do -- in the way of evil


  • Some bold, unprincipled, ignorant adventurer was found .
  • Those who believe that money is almghty , often stop at nothmg for money
  • Those who believe money can do everything are frequently prepared to do everything for money
  • In the twentieth century artists turned art into a no - man ’ s land in which everyone could do whatever he wished
  • Trained as a vatican diplomat , cardinal - designate sepe has been one of the most mobile of the vatican s middle managers
  • Were dire warnings voiced by those omniscient organs , the " financial times " and the " economist ? not so you ' d notice
  • I am only one , but still i am one , i cannot do everything , but still i can do something ; and because i cannot do everything , i will not refuse to do the something that i can do
  • It is the centre subject in the economic system reform in our country , the government should " does some things and leaves some things undone " , someone has already proposed : the ones that should limit the government are omnipresent , the one that controlled the government is omnipotent , restrain the stopping at nothing of the government
    这是中国目前深化经济体制改革正在研讨和努力作为的一个中心课题,政府应“有所为,有所不为” ,已经有人提出:应限制政府的无所不在,控制政府的无所不能,约束政府的无所不为


  • 无所不为的泰文
  • 无所不为的日语:〈成〉何でもやる.やらないことはない.▼よくない事についていうことが多い. 敌军到处杀人放火,无所不为/敵の軍隊は至る所で人を殺したり火をつけたり,悪事の限りを尽くした.
  • 无所不为的韩语:【성어】【폄하】 무소불위. (어떤 나쁜 짓도) 못할 것이 없다. 아무 짓이나 다 한다. 那些无所不为的坏人, 一定会受到严厉制裁; 어떤 나쁜 짓도 거리낌 없이 곧잘 하는 저런 사람들은 반드시 엄격한 제재를 받을 것이다
  • 无所不为的俄语:[wú suǒ bù wéi] обр. не останавливаться ни перед чем; бесчинствовать
  • 无所不为什么意思:wú suǒ bù wéi 【解释】没有不干的事情。指什么坏事都干。 【出处】《三国志·吴书·张温传》:“揆其奸心,无所不为。” 【示例】这些~的土匪所到之处,都化为一片焦土。 【拼音码】wsbw 【用法】动宾式;作谓语、定语;含贬义 【英文】stop at nothing
无所不为的英文翻译,无所不为英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译无所不为,无所不为的英文意思,無所不為的英文无所不为 meaning in English無所不為的英文无所不为怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。