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  • inorganic additive


  • The acting effect of organic additives is better than that of inorganic ones
  • The factors affecting the throwing power and the synergism of the additives are discussed
  • Inorganic additives is better than organic anti - stripping agent in terms of the effect of short and long term ageing
  • A new method of ftir with low - temperature decomposition , was introduced for identifying plastic products easily and accurately
  • Based on former studies , the effect of low licl concentration in casting solution ( w ( licl ) ) on membrane structure and performance was studied
    在前人研究的基础上,着重研究了铸膜液中无机添加剂licl的浓度( w ( licl ) )较低时对pvdf膜性能和结构的影响。
  • The action of composite of purely inorganic additives on improving coating quality is worse than that of composite of purely organic and organic and inorganic additives
  • This article is about the polymer separator full of holes , we research the performance of the separator , including making two kinds separters that produce wth complete different methods : spreading the separator , pvdf as the basic material , dbp as the plasticizing agent , nm sio2 as the inorganic addition and acetone as the solvent , and make separator on the special machine ; dipping in the separator so that intensify the seprater , its dip liquor is as the liqure as the spreading separator , and dip the base material pp / pe / pp into the liquor for more than 2 hours
    本文对多孔聚合物电解质隔膜进行了综合研究。以聚偏氟乙烯( pvdf )为基体,邻苯二甲酸二丁酯( dbp )为增塑剂,纳米sio2为无机添加剂,丙酮为溶剂,在流延机上涂布得到了聚合物电解质隔膜。以流延法制备隔膜的浆料为处理液,将基体材料pp / pe / pp浸泡在处理液中2h以上,制备出强化电解质隔膜。
  • Making spreading separator , and research the influence of dbp ’ s percentum and the dry tempareture . in order to find the influence of the succedent disposal , i have reseached the water disposal , the ultraviolet radiation disposal and the water disposal with the ultraviolet radiation disposal . making separator by dipping method , and research the influence of dbp ’ s and inorganic additive nm sio2 ’ s percentum mainly
    探讨了增塑剂邻苯二甲酸二丁酯( dbp )含量以及干燥温度对隔膜性能的影响;研究了紫外照射、水浴后处理对隔膜机械强度及其他性能的影响;考察了增塑剂含量以及无机添加剂纳米sio2含量对强化电解质隔膜性能的影响。
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