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  • ordinary negligence
  • "普通"英文翻译    common; general; ordinary; p ...
  • "过失"英文翻译    fault; slip; error; miscondu ...
  • "轻微过失, 普通过失" 英文翻译 :    culpa levis
  • "普通法上的过失" 英文翻译 :    common-law negligence
  • "普通过磷酸钙" 英文翻译 :    ordinary superphosphate
  • "过失" 英文翻译 :    1.(因疏忽而犯的错误) fault; slip; error; misconduct; culpa; mistake; blunder 改正过失 amend [correct; mend; remedy] one's fault; 原谅他的过失 excuse his fault; 他应该为他儿子的过失负责。 he is liable for the fault of his son.2.[法律] unpremeditated crime; offense; negligence 过失伤害他人 negligently injure another; 过失犯罪 criminal negligence; involuntary crime; 过失杀人 involuntarily commit manslaughter; involuntary homicide; 过失伤害 corporal wound by mistake; negligent injury; 过失脱逃 negligent escape; 过失误差 [统计学] gross errors; 过失行为 negligent act; 过失责任 liability for fault; neglect duty; 过失罪 negligent crime
  • "通过" 英文翻译 :    1.(从一端到另一端) pass through; get past; traverse 通过边境 pass the frontier; 通过城镇 pass through a city; 通过障碍物 break the barriers; 一慢二看三通过。 pay attention to traffic safety; slow down, look around and then go ahead. 代表们通过大厅进入会场。 the delegates entered the assembly hall by way of the lobby.2.(同意议案) adopt; pass; carry 通过决议 adopt a resolution; pass a resolution; 提案以压倒多数通过。the motion was passed by an overwhelming majority.3.(以人、事物等为媒介) by means of; by way of; by; through 通过外交途径 through diplomatic channels; 通过协商取得一致 reach unanimity through consultation; 通过正当手段 by fair means4.(征得有关人员同意) ask the consent or approval of 通过群众 consult the masses
  • "普通过磷酸钙厂卫生防护距离标准" 英文翻译 :    health protection zone standard for calcium superphosphate plants
  • "普通" 英文翻译 :    common; general; ordinary; plain; honest; private; trile; average 普通一兵 an ordinary soldier; a soldier in the ranks; a rank-and-filer; 普通人 the average person; the man in the street; 这是两所普通的房子。 these are just two ordinary houses.; 普通毕业生 a poll man; 普通法 [法律] common law; 普通高等教育 regular higher education; 普通话 putonghua; common speech (of the chinese language); standard chinese pronunciation; 普通客机 skycoach; 普通劳动者 ordinary labourer; 普通旅客列车 accommodation train; 普通税则 general tariff; 普通心理学 general psychology; 普通学科 general studies; 普通邮资 ordinary postage; 普通运价[正常运价] normal rate; 普通照会 [外交] verbal note; 普通中学 ordinary high [secondary] school; 普通装订 edition binding
  • "错误;过失" 英文翻译 :    mistake
  • "过错,过失" 英文翻译 :    culpa
  • "过失,缺点" 英文翻译 :    defect noun
  • "过失速" 英文翻译 :    post stall
  • "过失险" 英文翻译 :    risk of error
  • "过失罪" 英文翻译 :    negligent crime; unpremeditated crime
  • "轻过失" 英文翻译 :    culpalevis
  • "轻罪, 过失" 英文翻译 :    petty misdemeanor
  • "疏忽,过失" 英文翻译 :    negligence
  • "无过失" 英文翻译 :    no fault
  • "小过失" 英文翻译 :    peccadillo
  • "有过失" 英文翻译 :    at fault
  • "重过失" 英文翻译 :    culpa lator; culpalata
  • "轻微过失, 小过失" 英文翻译 :    trivial offence
  • "重大过失, 重过失" 英文翻译 :    grievous faulty
  • "不论过失;不计过失" 英文翻译 :    no-fault


  • The article defines the audit report ' s authenticity , accuracy and completeness regulated in the securities law according to the revision of some detailed auditing rules ; defines the cpa ' s ordinary negligence , gross negligence and fraud according to cpa ' s profession characteristics ; classifies the degree of wrongs of cpas and burden of proof : when audit report exists in the prospectus or listing statement , cpa is liable for ordinary negligence ; when it exists in annual report , cpa is liable for gross negligence , these negligence are inferred by law
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