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  • material expression
  • "物质"英文翻译    matter; substance; material
  • "表现"英文翻译    expression; representation; ...
  • "干物质表现消化率" 英文翻译 :    dmd
  • "物质表面" 英文翻译 :    material surface
  • "饲料干物质表观消化率" 英文翻译 :    dry-matter digestibility of a feed
  • "灯质表" 英文翻译 :    light list
  • "风质表" 英文翻译 :    draught gauge
  • "表现" 英文翻译 :    1.(所显露的行为或作风等) expression; representation; manifestation; show; behaviour; conduct 中华民族的精神及其种种表现 the chinese spirit and its manifold manifestation; 经济是基础, 政治则是经济的集中表现。 economics is the base and politics the concentrated expression of economics. 他因在校的表现好而获奖。 he won a prize for good behaviour at school.2.(显露; 表示出来) show; express; display; manifest 集中表现 epitomize; express in a focalized way; 一贯表现积极 be always active; always show great initiative; 表现出极大的勇敢和智慧 display immense courage and wisdom; 表现出优秀的品质 (of persons) show fine qualities; 表现无遗 reveal all without omission; 他无私的精神表现在各个方面。 his selfless spirit is revealed in every thing he does. 他在工作中表现很好。 he is doing very well in his work. 敌人是一定要寻找机会表现他们自己的。 the enemy will invariably seek opportunities to assert himself.3.(故意显示自己) show off 好表现 be fond of showing off; 表现度 expressivity; 表现派 expressionism; 表现手法 technique of expression; 表现特征 performance characteristic; 表现物 manifestation; 表现型 [遗传学] phenotype; 表现形式 form of expression; manifestation; 表现行为 expression behaviour; 表现性状 phene; 表现主义 expressionism
  • "蛋白质表达" 英文翻译 :    protein expression
  • "蛋白质表面" 英文翻译 :    protein surface
  • "蛋白质表膜" 英文翻译 :    proteinaceous pellicle
  • "电学滤质表" 英文翻译 :    electrical ma filter; electrical mass filter
  • "介质表面" 英文翻译 :    dielectric surface
  • "均质表面" 英文翻译 :    homogeneous surfaces
  • "蜡质表皮" 英文翻译 :    waxy skin
  • "类骨质表面" 英文翻译 :    osteoid surface
  • "轻质表壳" 英文翻译 :    light weight case
  • "原生质表膜" 英文翻译 :    protoplasmic surface film
  • "腐殖质表层肥" 英文翻译 :    humus todressing
  • "a物质" 英文翻译 :    substance a
  • "t物质" 英文翻译 :    t stuff; t-stuff
  • "物质" 英文翻译 :    matter; substance; material 可裂变物质 fissionable material; nuclear materials; 物质以三种形态存在: 固态、 液态和气态。 matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.; 物质不灭定律 the law of conservation of matter; 物质财富 material wealth; 物质产品 physical product; material product; 物质鼓励 material reward; 物质化 materialization; 物质基础 material base; 物质奖励 material reward; 物质力量 material strength; material force; 物质利益 material benefits; material gains; material interests; material well-being; 物质名词 [语言学] material noun; 物质权益 material equity; 物质世界 the material world; the physical world; 物质市场 physical market; 物质守恒 conservation of matter; 物质守恒定律 law of indestructibility of matter; 物质条件 material conditions [prerequisites]; 物质文化 material culture; 物质文明 material civilization; 物质形式 material form; physical form; 物质性 [哲学] materiality; 物质需求 material requisite; 物质运动 the motion of matter; 物质资本 material capital; physical capital; 物质资料 material goods; material values; 物质资源 material resources; physical resources
  • "物质-a" 英文翻译 :    substance-a
  • "蛋白质表面拓扑学" 英文翻译 :    protein surface topology
  • "角质表皮透明蛋白" 英文翻译 :    keratohyalin


  • While other domains such as hardware have a physical presence , software does not
  • Having special cultural significance , the cultural connotations of tea are represented in its varying colors , fragrances , tastes and shapes
  • Studies that look at the entire life cycle of a particular material can shed light on this question in a particular case , but wrap decided to take a broader look
  • Workiny a lony time . wsco is one of the biggest comampy of china . in all time thecompany always plots the setting of the culture of company in theimportant place . in the companyaround
  • Those substances presented the characteristics such as low threshold value , sensitive under low temperature , and low variance , which caused the complexity of luzhou - flavor liquor flavor and the great difference by tongue tasting
  • Because the experision of substance only lies on specific belongings of the public and the private , it includes all the legal properties who owns . the three form factors of the crime of contract fraud on the objective aspects have been discussed
  • Secondly , does public interest and general interest are the same things ? at last , the author draw a conclusion that public interest is not an abstract conception , and although there has something in common between public interest and general interest , there has also difference between two of them . the last part is a comment on the principle ' s significance and function , the author begins all of this with a case , discussing when we will need to use this principle directly , the author concludes that , if there is no law in writing to use , judges can use this principle directly , and , in some case , if the specific law ' s use may lead to unfair or cause an unmoral " s action objectively , judges can also prevent this result by use of this principle
  • Relying on the field survey and data analysis , this article compares the military fortresses and the village fortresses in seven facets , such as the constructing background and the distributing rules , the relation between the fortresses and the districts , the site and the terrain , and so on , trying to parse the deep meaning of the military fortresses and the village fortresses
  • So after setting forth the construction and usage of anomie and code and so on relativities , it advances that " anomie " should be a vision angle in the study of the problems of urban space ' s change . secondly , through reviewing several large scale change of urban space happened in history , it reveals that anomie of space is a necessity of history . furthermore , during the analyzing the process of the type change of the society , it finds out the value tendency of the anomie in urban space
  • Modernization of chinese has been put forward in this time background . after analysis , this paper clearly bounds the characteristics of modernization of chinese . it is that the basic point of modernization of chinese is protruding the subject nature of people ; the core is modernization of mentality , sense , personality , concept ; the aim is all - round enhancing of people ' s accomplishments ; the material manifest is improving the people ' s living standard and modernization of life style
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