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  • ouagadouga
  • ouagadougou
  • wagadugu


  • The information and meditation center in ouagadougou , burkina faso
  • Today in ouagadougou where the current king of the mossis lives , one can see yennenga ' s statues at many places
  • Rounding out the top 10 were frankfurt , helsinki , auckland and copenhagen , while scraping bottom were ouagadougou , burkina faso , at 209 , and baghdad at 211
    排在前十名的城市还有法兰克福、赫尔辛基、奥克兰和哥本哈根,而布基纳法索首都瓦加杜古排到了209名,巴格达位居211 。
  • The capital of the west african nation of burkina faso , ouagadougou , is a busy and rapidly developing city that borders the sahara desert so the local climatic variations can be extreme
  • A guide shows a sculpture made by a burkina faso artist out of a dead tree on saturday at the entrance to a park nestled at the heart of burkina faso ' s capital ouagadougou
  • Rounding out the top 10 were frankfurt , helsinki , auckland and copenhagen , while scraping bottom were ouagadougou , burkina faso , at 209 , and baghdad at 211 . in the environmental stakes , calgary , canada , finished top while pollution - choked mexico city ranked last
    排在前十名的城市还有法兰克福赫尔辛基奥克兰和哥本哈根,而布基纳法索首都瓦加杜古排到了209名,巴格达位居211 。
  • The team members aired two - minute daily radio announcements introducing master and her teachings , and so far , the center has had more than 400 visitors , and more and more people in the area have begun to practice the convenient method and have received initiation into the quan yin method


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