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音标:[ yǎngāoshǒudī ]  发音:  


  • have grandiose aims but puny abilities; be fastidious but imcompetent; flit from one thing to another; great ambition but little talent; have high aim but no real ability; have high ambition but no real ability; have sharp eyes in criticizing others but clumsy hands in doing things oneself; high in aim but low- rate in execution; like to criticize but do not work oneself; one's ability doesn't match one's wishes [high goal]


  • People sometimes bite off more than they can chew .
  • He that thinks his business below him will always be above his business
  • The bbc reporters overwhelmed the police , and rushed to the scene in time
  • Analytic : whether is basically inspecting applicant the person that a sureness agrees to do have grandiose aims but puny abilities of and rather than
  • It doesn t fit the style of this film at all . i am little surprised that rain lee actually agreed to take this role and act in such a weird way . rain lee is not a bad actress afterall , i hope she can find a better role in future films
  • It doesn t fit the style of this film at all . i am little surprised that rain lee actually agreed to take this role and act in such a weird way . rain lee is not a bad actress afterall , i hope she can find a better role in future films
  • Apparently , the director was setting his ambition a little bit high . there were a lot he wanted to do , but with various reasons including his lack of experience , the overall result turned out to be not as breathtaking as expected . nevertheless , i wouldn t call it a failure
  • The moon and the castle are only an illusion , it is just part of the packaging strategy of a very typical commercial film . vcd hk version - if you appreciate the exotic cinematography , get the dvd version . otherwise , the vcd is quite enough for you to experience this mediocre production
    不知是否眼高手低关系,觉得此片编导太贪心,刻意为电影放入太多点子,却未能和电影主题配合妥善,以至弄巧反拙,频频令人看到" r "哂头也不明所意,或许是编导也始料不及吧?
  • Judging on these criteria , it is why i found it extremely hard to believe how miike could possible persuade the film company and the investors to work on such a commercial project that fails to care about the feeling of the audiences at all . some people may parallel it to say , wong kar wai s movies , that are also incomprehensible to the audiences , but wkw is at least more honest about his own feeling and he is always able to incorporate his genuine emotions into his movies
    不过王家卫的影片总算拍出丰富感情,观众能够感受其意境和内涵,可惜同样孤芳自赏的三池崇史却眼高手低,整部戏只给人造作和惺惺作态的感觉,尤其那些历史片段的蒙太奇和唱歌戏(有点像西片《天生杀人狂》 ,但论意境和效果则差得远) ,都无法打动观众。
  • Judging on these criteria , it is why i found it extremely hard to believe how miike could possible persuade the film company and the investors to work on such a commercial project that fails to care about the feeling of the audiences at all . some people may parallel it to say , wong kar wai s movies , that are also incomprehensible to the audiences , but wkw is at least more honest about his own feeling and he is always able to incorporate his genuine emotions into his movies


  • 眼高手低的泰文
  • 眼高手低的法语:viser trop haut pour ses faibles moyens;prompt à critiquer mais incapable d'exécuter;la critique est aisée mais l'art est difficile.
  • 眼高手低的日语:〈成〉眼識は高いが自分ではできない.要求は高いが実力が伴わない. 眼高手低,志大才疏 shū /目は高いが腕伴わず,志大にして才うとし.
  • 眼高手低的韩语:【성어】 눈만 높고 손재주는 없다; 바라는 수준은 높지만 실제 능력은 없다. 비판력은 좋지만 창작 실력은 없다. 你别净眼高手低; 능력도 없이 눈만 높게 굴지 마라 =[眼高手生]
  • 眼高手低的俄语:[yǎngāo shǒudī] обр. хочется, да не можется; одного хотения мало
  • 眼高手低什么意思:yǎn gāo shǒu dī 【解释】指要求的标准很高(甚至不切实际),但实际上自己也做不到。 【拼音码】ygsd 【灯谜面】大象抓凤凰;看着天摸着地可望而不可及 【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义 【英文】be fastidious but incomperent
  • 眼高手低とは意味眼高手低 がんこうしゅてい able to criticize but not to create
眼高手低的英文翻译,眼高手低英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译眼高手低,眼高手低的英文意思,眼高手低的英文眼高手低 meaning in English眼高手低的英文眼高手低怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。